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Last seen 14 years ago
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2009-12-01 08:30:58
rating 3.9
2009-11-22 04:42:25
rating 2.1
2009-11-18 05:32:52
rating 2.3
2009-11-13 11:46:30
rating 2.2


2008-12-02 13:29:33
rating 2.4
2008-10-28 20:44:22
rating 2.8
2008-10-24 15:20:31
rating 2.9
2008-10-20 12:45:43
rating 3.6
2009-11-19 22:29:17
23 votes, rating 4.1
Would YOU support Christer with finances if it should come down to a lawsuit ?
I was reading the GW issue again last night and a thought hit me, IF christer gets dragged to court and will have to proceed with a legal counsil by his side, would YOU as a fellow fumbbl´r support him with a fee to help him pay for the trials he would have to go through ?

Im not saying this will happen but just... what if it DID happen ?

i mean it must be nice for christer to know that we can and will back him up in more ways than just sending letters to GW and stop purchasing items from them.

Just a thought !
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Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2009-11-19 22:30:56
We have already had a forum topic about this.
Posted by Odane on 2009-11-19 23:57:28
Somehow I don't think Christer is ready to give up his normal social life to be involved in a trail because of this site. Even if people are ready to pay lawsuit money, which I doubt they are or can properly organize.

Maybe it is time to come to the understanding that Fumbbl is closing it's doors. Play while you can and have fun while you can, nothing lasts forever. =|
Posted by Arktoris on 2009-11-20 00:22:14
already started giving.

I don't know how court works in Sweden, but I don't see this case being too expensive. You get legal advice (couple of hours), decide what to do (comply with demands, close the site, write rebuttal and state GW demands are outside their rights). Should you refuse to comply, new letters are written. You document them and do nothing...don't write back, just wait for the subpoena.

On court day, go to court. Take your facts with you. A lawyer (in America) isn't necessary for a simple case, and that's what this is. Speak when it's your turn. Answer the judges questions. State the law and how your website complies.

Let the judge make a ruling.

Comply with ruling or close the site.

Not as complicated or expensive as some may lead to believe...but then again, I don't live in Sweden.
Posted by Wreckage on 2009-11-20 02:01:47
It's a really complicated case :). And a lawyer on its own isn't really that expensive. It's not only swedish law that applies. As internatiional IT contracts usually provide a clause that IT can't be protected if it wouldn't be protected in it's sourceland. In some countries like swiss, the IT law of the source land is even the one on wich the decisions are based. In England however there exists no decision that would get really consider the main issues that would need to be addressed in this case.

But I don't see how Christer could really end up in such a case from the development of events, not for operating a fansite for GWs bloodbowl when they explicitly support that. That would be beyond any realistic expectation.
The main problem is that GW is blocking the way to client, wich is not ownd by Christer. I don't see by any means here a lawsuit as realisitic either, but at least the case would raise some very interesting questions. Well, money isn't in it for GW in either case.
Posted by rostern on 2009-11-20 08:09:00
Would be cool, if this site would be eternal.
Posted by azyx on 2009-11-20 10:33:29
yeah i would
Posted by Hank on 2009-11-20 12:09:19
I would contribute with a well placed head of a horse.