Posted by the_Sage on 2014-10-12 21:37:59
You've put a lot of work into an exercise of showing how lame this would be.
Posted by DukeTyrion on 2014-10-12 21:38:02
Hmm, can I suggest some changes.
As you are not allowing injuries, let the bench play too, so 16 players on the pitch, per side.
Also, different positions in Blood Bowl to different things, so make some of the pieces different, maybe most can only move 1 square, but some can move many squares, diagonally, while others only move straight.
Also, instead of a ball, make the game about taking out a key player on the other person's team.
Posted by BillBrasky on 2014-10-12 22:05:32
All 2d blocks are pow & cas.
Move on!
Posted by fidius on 2014-10-12 22:34:17
lol @DT
Posted by Dominik on 2014-10-12 22:42:56
Ask him when he will join the nearest chess club if he does not want to have dices incorporated. ;D
Posted by keggiemckill on 2014-10-12 23:03:15
Ha Ha Ha, very nice! I love this.
Posted by Roland on 2014-10-12 23:20:25
nono, you got this wrong. No offence to the other coach.
This game is dicey, so why not make a non-dice alternative?
Sure, it is perhaps a little harsch to call it "Boring", but at least it wouldn't be as fun and diverse as regular BB.
But the mechanic is still fun! (pushing players, picking up the ball and score!)
and last: chess is not a good alternative to BB
Posted by pythrr on 2014-10-13 00:27:28
you'll take my quad skulls from my cold dead hands
Posted by Relezite on 2014-10-13 03:29:33
This seems to indicate that BB with dice is not capable of producing very boring results.
Line up 11 players, skaven score OTT.
Line up 11 players, chaos KO 3, blitz cas 1, desperate defense fail, ko block, foul cas 11 on 5, foul foul foul score on turn 8.
BB's randomness is actually way out of wack. Jarvis's answer for every extended design challenge was 'slap a dice roll on it.'