I hate orcs - they're just so... well, they're just so average at everything. They're not as agile as elves, or as solid as dwarves, or even as vicious as chaos, but orcs just keep on going.
By the time they get to even a moderate strength, they can usually rely on being capable of taking on anyone and coming away with at least a draw and a couple of badly hurts.
I started an orc team recently in Ranked as I was fed up of constantly losing wood elf players in Faction and I wanted a team I could play and not worry about. If I win, great, if not, it doesn't matter as long as I don't have to replace my entire team every ten games or so...
But sure enough, after only ten games with the orcs, I started wanting to win all the time as well. I try and play like an elf, and I love throwing goblins, but I love the way I can spend turn after turn getting clawed and still get back up again.
I really don't want to turn into an orc - for a start, I'm not able to get the games I really love playing, where there's a lot of dodging and passing - but there is something terribly satisfying about the fact that I still have a 13-man squad and can afford to replace players when they niggle.
So for the moment, despite my best efforts, I'm keen to be green!
Posted by xcver on 2008-11-30 00:46:09
well on average the orc field more AV than the dwarves who usually start with 4 AV8 players compared to maximum 2 with AV8 for the orcs (yes we don't count the goblin).