Posted by Calcium on 2008-11-30 00:07:30
A good blog, but if games can be refused in [F] then what differentiates it from [R]?
Although you may avoid non stop bash action, the way you've described [F] is paramount to 'Bash teams need not apply'
Posted by zhraia on 2008-11-30 00:35:05
The drop in [F] games started before [B] was introduced. When [B] got fully operational, the average [F] games played per day wasn't affected noticeably. In fact, the [F] games/day have increased the latest week.
Check the statistics, you might just be on a time were there is few [F] coaches.
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2008-11-30 00:55:05
Posted by paulhicks on 2008-11-30 00:55:15
Or come add your support to my new(ish) division idea.
Together we can kill faction dead ;P
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2008-11-30 04:18:18
can we change the division symbol to GR?...
good riddance?
Posted by Rijssiej on 2008-11-30 09:28:43
[B] isn't to blame, [F] is losing coaches all the time as can be seen here:
It is just now that [F] has become unplayable for new coaches as there are no more games in the lower factions
Posted by vanGorn on 2009-01-03 11:29:33
Difference between ranked and faction?
In faction there is no silly 40TS limit. Every team can play vs every other team.