Today was without any applicants to
infBOWL and if it stays that way, the championship gonna start from after midnight. So maybe this is the
last chance to apply to the tourney.
We still have 9 races to take: Elf, Human, Khemri, Lizardmen, Nurgle, Orc, Skaven, Undead, and Wood Elf.
If you fancy for some new kind of BB experinece, take a race! The group page is
HERE. Check rules for conditions. Prizes are in Season I page.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you join us! No more recruiting posts by me. :)
EDIT1: Wood Elf was taken by mridcully.
EDIT2: Human was taken by mike467.
EDIT3: Skaven was taken by zooms. Thanks guys for your joining! Now the group is open for application for at least one more day. We have still six races to take out of the 24. Where are you all-zombie/all-skaven coaches? :)
EDIT4: Season I have been started! I you want to participate in Season II, join to
infBOWL Friends!