Posted by Garion on 2020-09-23 19:25:27
Nice one, great work Ádám
Posted by Diablange on 2020-09-23 21:07:22
Hi ! Great job !
Just one surprise for me : ball&chain reducing the cost by 28.000 ? Isn't it adding to the price ? (I perfectly understand secret weapon reducing the cost by 28.000, although I would have thought a divider would apply more accurately in that case than a substractor). :)
Posted by SzieberthAdam on 2020-09-24 01:28:32
Thanks. @Diablange please note that a B&C player is KOd at minimum if Knocked Down. That trait has pros and cons at the same time.
Posted by SzieberthAdam on 2020-09-24 01:55:26
I adjusted the numbers to start with a 6338 player to make the manual calculations easier. The model stayed the same.
Posted by Russo on 2020-09-30 13:39:40
Great work. Impressive stuff. Thanks!!
Posted by Rocket3 on 2021-04-15 14:16:36
This is a really impressive bit of work! One slight problem, though: you're missing a few skills. Not just the weird stuff like Swoop and Monstrous Mouth and whathaveyou either; [i]Accuracy[/i] isn't listed here. Which is a trifle odd. Still, this is really good stuff and an excellent resource for roster designers like me. =]