Posted by DragonsMaw on 2010-10-19 22:58:22
It's been awhile since i was on... But isn't that covered in fumbbl's rules as a bug exploit, and therefore against the rules?
Posted by X_Sniper on 2010-10-19 23:02:23
I Don't think so my friend (Who often reads the rule book and would probably know if it was a bug or not) toald me and my friend about it so I am unsure if it is A bug. If it is then I guess I will apologise and remove this post
Posted by Zombie69 on 2010-10-19 23:25:21
It's a "difference from board game", which is a nice way to say "it wasn't implemented properly in the client, but we'll allow it". You can find it in the file DifferencesFromBoardGame.txt, or something like that.
Posted by X_Sniper on 2010-10-19 23:49:53
SO I didn't post an Ilegal stratagy? ... *fewf* I thought I might Have Given ilegal advice to people (mostly directed at new players [and people looking for advice]).
Posted by DragonsMaw on 2010-10-20 00:04:27
Ah... Like I said, been awhile. That works, though I don't play OFAB teams by preference.
Posted by pythrr on 2010-10-20 02:21:37
try it with the new client, go on
Posted by zakatan on 2010-10-21 10:15:01
this will be no longer a "difference with tabletop game" in the new client, so this tactic isn't valid in FFB. Just try to make sure you move a thrall near the endzone before trying to score.
Posted by eight_five_nine on 2010-10-22 05:18:28
At any rate, this is not a "Noob Tactic #1" as much as a "Miner technicality that becomes an issue very rarely #543". I applaud your effort to educate noobs, but maybe you should stick more to basics that apply to every team every game.
Posted by X_Sniper on 2010-10-22 16:13:08
I see where you are comeing from however It was the first thing that came to my mind (plus i'm also going to outline things that aply to certan teams because I feel that even if they aply to one team, that one team still exists and people play it)
Thank you for your feedback