Posted by NerdBird on 2016-02-07 19:58:41
All teams have a natural curve and where they peak. Without very careful team management they will get worse as you lose key pieces to your team and injuries are suffered. As those star players you have gain even more skills, they become "bloaty" which boosts your TV, but not your teams effectiveness.
Depending on which meta you are gaming in, you will not be effective. If your goal is to boost a single player, this can still be accomplished, just know you will lose some games that you might win (or never even play) if you fired some of those healthy individuals.
Posted by Dunenzed on 2016-02-07 20:30:20
Reviewing your teams here on fumbbl I'm assuming you're talking about your R chaos team. A series of humiliating defeats in R may be because you a greenlighting the wrong games. You've lost some cpombers, so you may be finding it harder to remove players from the pitch with 4+ of them.
I prescribe 100 games in the box with humans. This will help your future picking skills by leaving you with the perception that every game is stacked against you. You will also learn how to play without any decent players, and you'll also have a chance to learn how to win without relying on player removal. :)
Posted by mrt1212 on 2016-02-07 20:49:56
Agree with Dunenzed, play some box humans and learn how to OTTD your way out of jammy situations. Oh wait, that's not the lesson learned?
Posted by NerdBird on 2016-02-07 20:51:35
Bah, humans. If I had to play humans, I would play Madden.
Posted by mrt1212 on 2016-02-07 20:57:16
You play your elves like humans anyway.
Posted by xnoelx on 2016-02-07 22:12:27
Just remember that if you play em enough, they'll peak again.
...and then collapse again. And peak again. And so on...
Posted by tussock on 2016-02-08 03:00:01
You seem to be spending your older player's talents on trying to speed the growth of the rookies. That will cost you some games.
The trick when you have a 2-player team with a bunch of useless flunkies is screen with the newbs and use your real players to do everything important, including score with less and safer rolls. Sometimes the new guys do stuff and get skills anyway, and when they eventually have 31 or 51 SPP you can start using them for important things too.
Posted by JigerJones on 2016-02-08 05:03:34
Did I start their decline? Just curious......
Posted by Jeffro on 2016-02-08 05:07:40
Those are all great "team strategy" takes on advice... I will go the other route.
First: Fluff.
All games are fun if you have some kind of history or fluff behind and continuing. It gives them personality and allows you an avenue of enjoyment that nobody can take away. Not even that dead skunk fellating Nuffle! (you heard me, bitch)
Second: Beer.
If you're not an alcoholic, then let me suggest that while - in general - beer makes things better... it makes Bloodbowl WAY better.
Third: Chat.
I don't care if the person you're playing doesn't speak your language or doesn't respond. Friendly banter can help make even the diciest game against you feel like a pleasant social activity. This game should be fun. Show that you enjoy it even if you have to fake it once in a while. This game was meant to be a tabletop game, which means a modicum of social interaction. You wouldn't sit across from someone for 2 hours and not say anything, would you?
Take losing in stride and just try to have fun. It'll be funner if you have fun.
Posted by garyt1 on 2016-02-08 07:19:22
Yes fluff is great. Match reports and player bios really help get you in to a team. Of course if you lose players with a long bio or good skills it is a pain but you can look to the budding careers of the rest of the team to get a new twist.
Posted by asteflix on 2016-02-08 22:32:06
No JagerJones , the loss of my Legend was a blow , but the decline started when I lost
3 other good players. Alas , rebuild time :P
Posted by Uedder on 2016-02-09 02:44:21
Think this: from the ashes rises a stronger warrior. Like the phoenix, your team will rise once again higher and brighter than ever before!
Posted by fidius on 2016-02-09 08:06:56
Jeffro's advice helps when your opponent responds. And makes it 1000x worse when they don't.