Charlie sheen started as a lowly chaos warrior , and saw the rise of my first ever legend. But contrary to his fellows , he only desired to play for the team. Screw the casualties he said , i'll become a great legend without relying on the killstack. And such he became.
Charlie Sheen lasted the longest out of everyone , even though he collected a -av and two -ag along the way. He was a role model , always striving to win and missing very few games. He was fouled countless times , blitzed by clawpombers , and targeted by all elves he encountered. Sadly , a chaos dwarf one die pow ended his life and career , just after the apo was unsuccessfully used to try and save an emerging beastman from death after a dodge. The match also saw the end of another chaos warrior emerging star , and overall crippled the team for a long time to come.
The highlights of his career are many , for he ended up saving my ass a lot of times from scrawny elves and pushing the line alone against multiple opponents.
He leaves behind Chuck , who will now have to bear the weight of the entire team , RageComics who is destined to be shaped in his image.
The new recruit will have big bloody shoes to fill in his place.
Rest in piece Charlie.
Tribute song =