It's January so it's time to kick off another round of Major tournament goodness.
We start as always with the
Warptone Open.
Warptone Open XI (you can apply via that link) is the traditional kick off for the year. In 2015 as for many years now, it will consist of 13 straight KO qualifiers of up to 16 (possibly 8) teams, then a lottery to bring the number of winners up to 16, then a 16 team KO final.
What does the winner get I hear you ask?
Good question. The winners will receive 50,000 gold pieces, one extra MVP and three random mutations!
You cn apply any
Ranked team may be of any size, shape and composition that is allowed under current
Official Fumbbl Tournament Rules. It must be from the R division, and must be readied to play, and obviously not already scheduled to play another game at the time of the draw.
The draw will take place on Wednesday 13th January.
After that you will be expected to play one game a week until, eliminated. While any team is welcomed to apply, if we have more than 208 applicants priority will go to higher TV. Then ties split by early application.
So what are you waiting for?
Apply here!.
Anyone who had applied prior to this blog post has been kicked to ensure that the correct teams are accepted. So you will need to reapply.