Posted by Dominik on 2017-05-10 21:31:51
What is Speciality Qualifiers?
Will 64 games be enough for "Old Teams Qualifiers"?
Posted by Rabe on 2017-05-10 22:44:42
1 Group for High CR
2 Groups for Fastest to apply
1 Group for the Gauntlet
Fastest to apply
Be quick!
The first 32 Teams which apply will go into these groups
High CR Qualifier
Have a CR over 165 -> after the fta qualifiers are filled, teams from coaches of a CR of 165 or over will go into this qualifier
the rest will go to
New group opened to any team that does not fit into any other category. Priority will go to the smaller teams.
Posted by Rabe on 2017-05-11 07:56:27
And from my experience, 64 games should be enough. I remember teams with the minimum of games (40) making the cut in some years. Don't hold me responsible though! ;-)
Posted by Rabe on 2017-05-11 07:58:51
Old Teams Qualifier is also the one where some odd/themed/novelty teams gather, so it also draws the attention of some strong coaches with old enough teams. You could run into some silly team for an easy win or into a top coach with some monster team (and I'm not talking Agility Monsters here).
Posted by PeteW on 2017-05-11 08:08:36
Are fastest to apply full now? How do we know?
Posted by Malmir on 2017-05-11 08:25:01
Think they will just start it off once they have enough - I'm in Pete. Come rumble with me!
Posted by BattleLore on 2017-05-11 18:46:36
I'm going to tell you when it's full :-)
The qualifiers will all start next Wednesday
Posted by Doofr on 2017-05-11 21:55:43
Pfff the GLT at the same time that the XFL halfling...
That was the 2 tournaments of the year for my flings....grrrrr