In their latest match, the Backguard Hobos saw their first historical moment. Blocking Bot 'Competitive Stinker' managed to do a larson. In the first half he managed to intercept the ball when the Strong and Brutal Elves almost had outflanked the Hobos and marched on to the elves' endzone, claiming the skull of an elven catcher on the way. Then it was only a pass missing and a whole halftime to complete it. He did it. Twice.
In the ensuing hilarity he forgot to throw a third time, so he didn't learn a new skill this time. Suspicious things kept on happening, after the match an obviously faked contract for a new Blocking Bot was found, but the Bot never got to play and the money was gone. Also in that game we had to mourn the death of Blocking Bot 'Nr.7', the fans' most favourite player.
Thanks for reading,
your larson is only a game away!
Posted by Bill_Vestergaard on 2009-04-30 18:06:28
well done. :)
Oh crap. I saw it happen. it was a against my elves. :D