Posted by Balle2000 on 2009-11-13 02:13:19
Once during your phase, a player may deliver a letter of cease and desist to a player on the opposite side (the "defendant"). When delivering your letter, you make a roll with the legal dice.
Use the following rules:
Player has less lawyers then your opponent: roll 2 dice, the defendant chooses one.
Player has equal the amount of lawyers: roll 1 die.
Player has more lawyers than the defendant: roll 2 dice, and choose one.
Player has more than twice the amount of lawyers: roll 3 dice, and choose one.
If a successful roll is made. Make a lawsuit roll. If the lawsuit roll is higher than the defendant's lawfulness value, he is found guilty.
If found guilty, roll on the punishment table.
2-7: Community service. Defendant spends one turn cutting the grass as community service. Place defendant face down to symbol that he is cutting.
8-9: Custody. The defendant is immediately removed from the streets, and taken into custody. At the end of a trial, roll a dice. On a 4+ the defendant can re-enter the streets. On 1-3 the defendant stays in custody for
10+: Severe punishment. Roll on the Judicial table:
Judicial table:
1-3: Jail. The defendant is in jail for that whole year.
4-5: Public punishment. The defendant receives his punishment in public. Roll on the Public punishment table to determine his injury.
6: Capital punishment.
Appeal solicitor: If your legal team employs a Solicitor, you may once every legal year, try to appeal a severe punishment.