Posted by Zombie69 on 2010-01-28 16:30:47
I predict the following races in the final 8:`
- orc
- dwarf
- chaos dwarf
- dark elf (maybe amazon)
- human (maybe lizardman)
- ogre
- wood elf
- khemri
This is good news for the ogres, because of all these, the only ones likely to give them a fit are dark elves, amazons and wood elves (and only 2 of those 3 can make it in). The other races (with not enough dodge and/or agility) don't stand much of a chance of beating a good ogre coach. And if by any chance wood elves and dark elves/amazons face dwarves and chaos dwarves before playing the ogres, they'll either get eliminated or hurt enough to give the ogres a chance!
Skeleton goblins ftw!
Posted by Sionis on 2010-01-28 18:39:02
I'm hoping for some orc upsets by that intrepid trio. :D
Posted by Wreckage on 2010-01-31 11:19:03
lol... still believe ogres have a shot on the title.. you guys are so funny sometimes XD....