2010-12-25 04:36:18
34 votes, rating 5.4
For me and I guess for many, computers are a minefield of complexity. Before I found FUMBBL I'd never downloaded anything. Terrified about the rumours of catching viruses and it took me about a year of peeking, to build up the courage and give it a shot.
I was I think very fortunate, in that my first opponent (in exchange for an easy win) was very helpful and understanding. So when recently my computer went MIA in DUFJ (DELL Useless ____ers Japan) I was somewhat a little disappointed. I've come to notice however, that computers aren't the only machines beyond my understanding.
Late last spring my firm was taken over by a Japanese company, and with that, once a week I found myself turfed out of my comfy office and back into the cold, harsh environment of the classroom. So as I used to every Monday, over the long hot summer I made the trek to one of my old haunts by bike.
Between the bikepark and the school is a vending machine, and after the hot ride the ice cool Crystal Lemon it sold, came in exceptionally handy. Though this wasn't any old vending machine, but a 'Dydo' vending machine. The Deepest Blue to Coca Cola's ZX81. A Ferrari Enzo to Pepsi's Robin Reliant.............so I was to learn.
So there I found myself inserting the 120yen required for a fizzy citrus beverage, when I heard "Konichiwa". "Hello" I said back to a bit of hot passing totty in an impossibly short skirt.
She seem unimpressed.
I smiled unpreturbed.
The next week as became ritual, I stopped again for a Crystal Lemon and once again heard "Konichiwa".
"Konichiwa" repeated I, spinning around to come face to face with..........well nobody.
"Atsui desu ne" said the vending machine to my surprise.
"Yes, it is hot isn't it" I managed to stammer back, before picking up my 500ml thirst quencher and heading off to work.
Over the weeks our friendship grew
"Mouse san"
"Yo vending machine"
"I'm good, you?"
"Un genki, demo shumatsu ni sugoi isogashi desu"
"Ahhh weekends eh, I guess a busy time for vending machines"
"Crystal Lemon nomitai?"
"As always vending machine"
"Arigato Mouse san"
"No, thank you vending machine"
"Otsukare, cho atsui ne"
"You take care too....you know you really should stand in the shade, if you're going to be outside all day"
"Neeeeeee, mata Mouse san"
"See ya vending machine".
In this big wide world outside of the comforting enclosure of my office, with the whirring computers and busy Japanese people running about actually working. I had made a new friend. However as is the way, summer never lasts forever and as always so goes the fun that accompanies the summer season. And as the hot days dwindled, so did my need for Crystal Lemon (500ml).
Next week I promised myself, I'll buy one next week. But next week never came, and before I knew it, it felt too awkward to even say hello. I still seem him waiting in the usual place, selling the usual drinks.
So if you every find yourself in Kawagoe, near the Shane English School, and by chance come across a Dydo vending machine, standing on the corner watching the trains go by. Say hello from me and tell him the cactus is doing fine.