Posted by westerner on 2009-03-17 15:53:31
Fight on if you're still having fun with the team. If it's past the point of fun, feel free to retire them and make a new team.
Posted by maysrill on 2009-03-17 16:59:37
Try to keep your FF up and find matches against similarly beat up teams, or match-ups with with less developed teams that outnumber you a bit. If you're not the masochistic type, shy away from super-bashy teams while shorthanded. Try to make sure your opponent's FF is high as well, so the big gate can get you money to recover.
I've been enjoying putting a skaven team back together from the innumerable pieces it had been shattered into. Having been as low as 7 players (including 3 nigglers), I can now field a full team and will soon be retiring the two remaining nigglers once I have money to replace them.
Fight On!