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2009-07-10 15:08:48
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2009-01-04 15:43:05
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2008-10-31 21:58:52
rating 3
2008-09-18 17:13:57
rating 3.8
2008-08-29 00:07:34
rating 3.5
2008-05-17 22:32:00
rating 4.4
2008-04-13 00:53:38
rating 3.4
2008-03-01 10:38:18
rating 3.5
2008-02-26 14:04:05
rating 4.6
2008-01-30 20:48:56
rating 3.6
2008-01-09 00:39:20
rating 3.3
2008-01-09 00:38:40
rating 3.8
2007-12-02 23:31:03
rating 3.5
2007-08-15 23:28:59
rating 4
2007-08-02 11:24:23
rating 3.9
2007-07-31 02:07:38
rating 3.9
2007-07-31 02:07:03
rating 3.5
2007-07-31 02:06:33
rating 3.5
2007-07-31 02:06:04
rating 3.7
2007-07-31 02:05:23
rating 3.5
2007-07-31 02:04:31
rating 4.2
2007-08-02 11:24:23
37 votes, rating 3.9
Hello Sport Fans and welcome to the Blood Bowl Night here att ABBA Sports Update. I’m Billy Bob and sitting here with me tonight is the famous and highly respected Coach, Sven Gory Orcson from the Orchis team Munchiez Gittiez. Hello and welcome Sven Gory.
“Hello ‘umie. Am ‘appy to be ‘ere.”
You are now warm in the coaching clothes and settled with Munchies Gittiez. Is the preparations going well before the season start?
“Yess umie. Da Boyz are good and we ‘ad some new Untaz and Slugga Boyz joining. And also took in some Mad Dokz for team. All good”
I know that you have been following the ABBA League pretty closely. What do you have to say about the season so far?
“Firsta divizion good. Second and last bad. Musta play fasta.”
Yes some teams are not playing when they should and therefor some divisions are lacking in speed. To bad for the active teams in there. Speaking about teams. Is there any specific teams or players you have scouted?
“Yess umie. Udinensis Orcish TEam is good team. They now numba three. Bounty Guild numba two, good mummy Durge. And Dwarves numba one. Good Runnaz and ‘ard boyz. Kallez Kaviar ‘ard Killa playing Orcs.”
What do you think about the final round in ABBA?
“Well umie. If da teamz play round 6 it could mean 3 teamz on 13 pointz. Bounty Guild ‘ave ‘ard game wit Manglerz. Warriorz ‘ard game wit Umiez. Angelz ‘ard game wit sneaky Ratz. They all lose! Ebeneezerz Orcaz gonna win league wit big win ova Rotterz! Waaaaagh!”
He he he. Thats a good analyze Sven Gory Orcson. Well that was all from Blood Bowl Night and pregame talks before the final round of the ABBA League. We have 2 teams on 13 points, and 1 who could end up with 13 if they just play their game. And the fourth team, the Udensis Orcs on 11.
Sven Gory has predicted losses for the 3 top teams and a win for the Orcs. Wich would end up with the orcs winning with 14 points. Gonna be fun watching the final round. I’ll be ther covering the excitement and I hope that you, the fans, will be there with me.
Any last comments Sevn Gory Orcson?
“Yess. Where are Bendy Wendy? I ‘avent seen ‘er since she was da weatha girl. She nice. Me like”
He he he. Well thats all folks. Good night.