Sorry, this is me boasting again (see
Empty below) about the unexpected success of one of my teams...but I'm truly puzzled with my late performance.
So please, feel free to overanalice and give advice (even serious advice, will be fun either way).
Now, the issue:
Merry Despair 8/2/0...BBox Underworld team!
First Three 8-0 touchs, now about 20-5. Ah, and 0 cas diff, without Clawpomb...with gobbos!?
OK, I've been making experiments, so playing low TV (not enought games to get all the projects high), where my win% is still good...but 90% with semy-stuntys?
I know, 10 games is just luck, and opponents distracted with my random move, half aeslept playstyle. And it's going to crash down soon, next game will be 0-4 or so...better to write the blog now then.
Edit: well, low rated blog but I'd like to add something now, 19 matches so far and it is 13/5/1... 10th spot in the list of BBox Underworld teams for matches won.
(AND the 0-4 crash did happend, in match 13 vs ahalfling's Norse team Sterling Copper)