I was waiting to writea blog on my new Human team after match 10, but then on match 9...
[url="http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/2821/humans3.png" alt=""]
By the way, proud members of the upcoming
...and all my compliments to Turborraton, he took it graciously.
Edit with more info:
Match report
Qaz recent blog, blame him if you find it was excesive.
BTW mine has been against Chaos Pact :P
And some translation:
<me>and that DP sleeping... going to miss the party
<Tr>I think that's pretty ok
<me>deep inside me too
<me>but I'm going to try and clear the pitch, warning
<me>awfull match this one
<me>well, if I manage to clear it, I'll make a blog to honor this
<me>Qaz did a likely one