Posted by ben_awesome on 2016-11-25 13:11:41
Rated 6 for truth.
Posted by bghandras on 2016-11-25 13:19:34
Thanks for sharing! Your contribution through blogs is bigger than you may think!
Posted by pokrjax on 2016-11-25 13:29:48
Couldn't agree more!
Posted by Meanandugl on 2016-11-25 14:02:27
Thanks for sharing!
I hope a couple of coaches read your praise and apply for the DLE waiting list, which due to some RL-induced quittings recently has become too short for my taste. Why does DLE need a waiting list? Because this league, like NFL, runs with exactly 32 teams. If a coach drops, which is inevitable from time to time because of RL, we try to find a new owner for the team between two rounds if necessary, to ensure smooth running and minimize forfeits. Right now we have almost reached the end of season 2, no guaranty there will be a free slot for next season (I hope there won't tbh), but there is always a chance.
If you are interested to join, drop me a note.
Posted by SpecialOne on 2016-11-25 23:37:08
I can only agree whit you ttorvatn. lovely league.
Posted by Danish_Dan on 2016-11-25 23:52:49
I was crazy about FUMBBL when I first joined, but toned it down a lot over the last 3-4 months, as my wife was getting fed up with it.
HOWEVER! I could not quit DLE. DLE is too much fun, and really makes it a joyful investment, much more than any ranked or black box team. I can only recommend it to the highest degree, even if people are feeling a bit tired of FUMBBL. It will draw you in like a son of a bitch :-)
And thanks for the awesome blogs ttorvatn