2017-01-16 21:00:12
5 votes, rating 4.8
Who is Thorwald Hessel? Inga: He's 20 and from Carroburg. Just like mine, his father is a director at the Carroburg Works, and we know each other well from school. His mother is Norse, hence the name. Unlike me, he started sports early and qualified for the Blood Bowl Academy out of high School. Now he's drafted back to his hometeam Carroburg, and he is very happy to be here.
What is he like as a person? Inga: Thorwald is nice, and very serious about sports. He can endure anything in order to be able to play his favorite game. Outside of the training facilities he seems a bit absent and restless, as if he can't wait to go back to the stadium.
What was your first impression of him? Inga: I have known him since I was very small, so that's hard to say. Maybe when he kicked the orange I had just gotten for Christmas to the other side of the room at a Christmas Party when i was.. about 4?
A fun fact about him? Inga: He keeps a complete collection of tiny samples of Carroburg colours. Every batch we produce, his father bottles a small sample for Thorwald's Collection. Don't ask me what he needs them for. I guess you can't ask that from a collector...
How will Coach Vatn use him? Inga: Thorwald is primarily a capable reserve in case of injuries. Coach has said that if we meet teams with a lot of strong players, he will be fielded because he never flinches when meeting larger, stronger players (Dauntless).