The Greenskins Draft Rumble is welcoming new coaches to grow our league -
The inaugural season concludes with two Finals this Sunday; the Champions Cup and the Super Shield.
Roster - Pick a squad of players from trolls, orcs, and goblins from across the Black Orc, Goblin, and Orc rosters.
Gameplay - BB2016 skill progression and no forced redrafting - coaches can develop a variety of play styles.
Game time - 11-day Gameweek window with most games played in EU timezones and a couple in NA timezones. Depending on final make-up of the coaches, the divisions may be split to suit both EU and NA timezones.
Draft - New coaches get 3 skilled Free Agents from a pool of players; All coaches get 4 skilled Draft Picks from a larger pool of players, chosen in reverse order - lowest ranked team goes first.
Fluff - the more you do, the more you get with benefits for creating a backstory, player profiles, etc, including Re-rolls, Assistant Coaches, and Cheerleaders.
Support - extensive Discord server with opportunities for mentoring for those looking to improve and up to 3 post-season tournaments to ensure not only the top coaches have something to play for.
Future development - Coaches can input on changes to the league, including the role of mutations, addition of Savage Orcs, split of divisions and conferences.
Get in touch if you'd like to take part.
IntrepidWilson (League Commissioner and GM of the
Drakwald 'Ardboyz)
NB. Check out the
GDR Spreadsheet for further details.