Posted by the_Sage on 2012-11-19 17:31:26
So you don't mean stars but rather living players on fumbbl?
Sounds like a blast, but needs a bunch of admin support to realize.
Posted by Reisender on 2012-11-19 17:57:23
sounds fun if it can be administrated. ofcourse no injuries and also no SPP for the players. that should be just a fun game independent from the ranked and box stuff
ps: you forgot some race (norse, underworld e.g.)
maybe a draft system or a geographical (Warhammer World) System would bring a funnier mix of the races - also: 1 player/race!
Posted by xnoelx on 2012-11-19 19:09:29
I like the idea. A couple of thoughts about choosing players: you could just have the player with most SPP from each team. Or take it further and have the top SPP lino from each, give the oft-neglected linemen a chance for glory.
Another option would be the NBA/MLB style, where public votes decide the starting line-up, and the coaches get to pick their reserves.
Posted by the_Sage on 2012-11-19 19:30:18
I would say you have all currently active legends per race. If none are available, then all living superstars, etc.
Then I would have a raffle where coaches could buy a ticket for $1 donations to fumbbl. 2 Tickets would be drawn to determine the 2 lucky coaches who may play.
I wouldn't make it good vs evil. Instead, I'd make it a toss to determine which coach may pick first. Then both coaches may pick one player per race, until they have 16 players.
Posted by the_cursed_one on 2012-11-19 19:42:01
on yout evil/good thing, norse would also be good as well as slann and lizards. underworld would be evil.
Khemri and Ogres are both neutrals
Posted by rafadavila on 2012-11-19 23:01:36
i like the nba allstarstyle suggestion, a pool to select the starting 11, and maybe a pool to select both coaches
Posted by Nelphine on 2012-11-20 04:29:04
I would say you list all legends currently active. Split up the legends into player types (blitzer, ball carrier, ball sacker, los, etc). If possible, only players with stat upgrades would be considered (but, for instance, if no legend ball carriers exist with stat upgrades, then the pool would be open to all legend ball carriers.) Also, all players would only be able to represent one category, even if they might be used for multiple normally.
Then randomly pick who chooses first; they get first choice of the first category, and the 2 teams would alternate until the allotted number of players from that category are chosen for each team. Then the team who went second would get first choice from the next category, and alternate until the number of allotted players for that category had been chosen. Back to first person to get first choice for the next category.
Make sure there are an even number of categories (probably 6).
When choosing, a given team may only take 1 player from a given race, unless no other options exist. (So if you take a wood elf ball carrier, you could not get a wood elf ball sacker, unless no other ball sackers existed)
In this way, we get a wide variety of races; but (like in an actual all-star game), we might get similar players since the different coasts do have similar teams. It also means that if a particular category has mostly all of one species, with distinctly sub par players from another species, that one team wouldn't be totally shafted when the other team picks the good species.
Posted by xnoelx on 2012-11-20 08:39:11
I think the split between the 2 sides needs working on, but I do think there should definitely be one.
A geographical split is difficult because most races are based in or around the Old World. The West and South of the Warhammer World have never been very well fleshed out; there are no Cathay or Nippon teams (or armies), for example. So a simple East/West or North/South split gives you one team with very few races to choose from, and one with a much larger number.
The good/evil split is also tricky. Those definitions tend to be from the Empire's perspective; i.e. I don't think it's a given that Orcs are inherently evil (this isn't LotR), although the Empire certainly sees them that way.
Another possible way to split the teams would be Agile races vs Bash. That also adds a nice spin to the game; finally seeing which is really the best style, will elfballing win over pure destruction, etc. Although again, there's room for debate about which camp a couple of races belong in; Lizardmen and Ogre teams come to mind. But I think (maybe with a little fudging of those kind of teams) this could produce a nice even split, with 12 races for each side to pick from.
Posted by Nelphine on 2012-11-20 08:41:12
As a note, I have started a blog at listing all active ranked and box legends.
I would also suggest, why not make Ranked vs Box your 2 sides? Ranked has more agile legends, while Box has (far) more bash legends, but both have a good mix.
Posted by Nelphine on 2012-11-20 08:42:50
I also thought I should mention:
on the same box team, there is both a legend troll, and a legend goblin.
This is awesome.
Posted by CroixFer on 2012-11-20 10:23:35
So, as per your comments, there is room for this kind of game. I would really like to see it.
I loved the 1$ donation for selecting the coach and I agree you would need a lot of admin support so an admin should give us his opinion before further thought on it :)
Anyway, mine was a proposal to give something for debate but I would like it to be a community proposal.
The only thing is I was inspired by former chaos all star (a well known BB team from the first edition) which was made up of 1 player from every different "evil" teams. Also, I think there would be races not willing to play with some others.
For example, considering the geographical split: orcs and dwarfs would be in the "east team" while dark and high elfs would be in the "west team" but I think they would never play in the same team except if given the chance to attack their own members :) (well, maybe even when playing together dwarves should have animosity to cooperate with elfs anyway XD)
That is why I suggested the good vs evil approach.
Also, there could also be a "pass contest" where we can have the best throwers of fumbbl taking turns as to see who achieves the maximum lenght of a complete pass... (including TTMs :)
And, finally, a rookie game can be organized with the best players with under, for example, 20 games, which would be similar to the NBA rookies of the year game...
Well, these are more a silly idea, but it will help trying to create an all-star weekend for the community...