Fahad, the Leopard Frog II, walked to the center of the practice pitch in his mother city, the home of the Silver Dart Frogs.
He took a deep breath and felt the familiar taste of the jungle around.
"Yeah, good to be back at home".
"What are you doing here, all mighty Fahad?", asked head coach of the SDF. "Thought you were enjoying the break as your team mates are doing".
"I am feeling tired, old man. Think my moment may be gone in the near future and I would like to pass my experience on younger slanns. You will need more apt players when I am gone as you cannot count on those bulky blitzers. Too big for our leaping play, you know?"
"Fahad, you are one slann in a million. I cannot imagine how lucky I must be to breed another one like you. The ancient ones must smile me with their ancient wisdom to do so. I would say that is simply impossible odds" the coach negated with his head.
"Odds, Mr Coach." Smiled Fahad. "Funny that you mention. That is exactly what we have been playing for these past years, you know? If I learnt something in my BB life is that noone knows a bit about odds. Moreover, the more you think you know, the more you will be surprised by actual facts. Now, let´s surprise the world with some "odds"".
The 4 slann catchers in this team:
have something in common. Try to find it.