Posted by Overhamsteren on 2012-12-20 14:41:48
Just one more match...
Posted by Chainsaw on 2012-12-20 14:41:53
Dude that means we only have 36 hours to play our SMACK final.
Let's get it on!
Posted by Lorebass on 2012-12-20 15:43:20
im just of the opinion that the guy in charge of making that calender got bored and quit/died. either way its still a good reason to spend time with the people you love! (even if they are fumbblers)
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2012-12-20 17:01:36
It's a cyclical calender. It's not like the Gregorian calender. Since it's a repeating pattern they just set the number of repetitions. So no "guy that made it just got bored and quit".
Still don't think the world is going to end. :)
Posted by BillBrasky on 2012-12-20 17:23:49
Even if this were true, which timezone would we go by? Midnight in Mayan time? What's that, US Central time?
Posted by jundru on 2012-12-20 17:27:15
Bbtime, sure
Posted by CroixFer on 2012-12-20 17:33:16
Given that they dared to describe it as a meteor shower from the sun, I guess it should last for several hours (do not know starting time, sorry) gaining momentum towards an apocalyptic and final meltdown... by that moment, noone will care of what time is it exactly ;)
Posted by Mr_Foulscumm on 2012-12-20 17:44:09
Funny thing... they never described it at all. :)
Posted by licker on 2012-12-20 17:55:15
They Mayans liked circles (who doesn't really though?).
They were also good astronomers.
They developed a calender with aspects of both. Astronomy to set the 'dates', circles due to their beliefs in 'endlessness'.
Some believe that the end of this cycle will give way to a new cycle where mankind becomes more spiritual.
Some believe that the end of this cycle will give way to a new cycle where mankind becomes more violent.
I believe it's all a bunch of crap, just like all the crappy Greek/Egyptian/Norse/Whatever mythos.
But, I hope that for those who do actually put any stock in this nonsense they opt for choice #1.
Or if Yellowstone blows up tomorrow none of this will matter anyway ;)
Posted by liquidorange on 2012-12-20 20:04:48
Terrible fluff. Demand a rewrite.
Posted by Narlgoth on 2012-12-20 22:19:50
This kind of thing is going to become really old in the next couple of days.
I thought it was just because they got bored and thought, "yeah, we won't need any more days now- by the time we get to this point we'll be extinct" and hey look, they were right!
The Mayan calander has technically already ended anyway, as they didn't count leap years. This means the actual end of their calander was actually in September last year and look- we are still here.
Posted by Wreckage on 2012-12-22 12:51:53
@Nargoth, as I understood that was a misconception. The Aztec calendar ended in 2012 and the maja calendar continued but predicted a big flood for this year. Somewhere along the way those two things got mixed up by someone.