Posted by Overhamsteren on 2013-01-23 00:31:21
Looks like a nice team, if you reboot you will just have a rookie team with a lot of fanfactor and apothecary bloat.
Posted by ahalfling on 2013-01-23 00:32:05
Um, anyone who there's nothing wrong with?
I don't know why you'd fire all your players. That's a terrible idea. But to go point by point:
Thrower: You have only one of those, and yeah, he's probably not worth the almost 200k you're paying for him. Then again, you pass with him, so you don't want to replace him with a rookie. Decide whether you want to switch to a mostly non-passing game... if not, maybe get a second thrower, skill him up a couple skills, and dump the old guy? (Or honestly, the old guy is more than halfway to legend. Try to build a legend -- people like that.)
Blitzers: No reason to drop the two MB/tackle guys. The blodger with strip ball and SH is probably also good, and might be the main ballhandler if you do decide to drop the thrower. That leaves the guy with fend and dauntless, which is honestly a weird couple of stats to pay for. But if you like him, go ahead with him.
Black Orcs: nothing to see here, unless you've decided dodge isn't worth it on these guys. Even if so, I definitely wouldn't drop the two 40+ SPP guys -- it is a huge pain to skill BOs up, as you well know.
Linemen: Well, I hate orc linemen, but I'm probably wrong about that. Even so, the AV10/wrestle guy is just a baffling player. There's not really a good reason for anyone to get +AV, even in a normal environment, let alone an insignificant lino. The prevalence of claw makes him worse. (And the -MV does too.)
Goblins: I take it this guy is a TTM-only piece? If so, and if you think it's worth 90k to have that option, hang on to him. He's probably going to die soon anyway, either by crashing to the turf, or because you're short of players and he has to come on, or (if you're lucky) because the troll eats him. But yeah, if you want TTM as an 8th-turn threat, the +MA and sure feet make him a lot better at that, and he's not going to be out there long enough for the -AV to matter. Of course, he's only scored three TDs in 18 games, so you have to ask whether TTM is the threat you think it is.
Troll: I don't necessarily understand your skill decisions here, but that's your call, I suppose.
Posted by Chainsaw on 2013-01-23 00:35:45
^ wot he sed, sum dem orcses gud!
Posted by neoliminal on 2013-01-23 00:41:37
Dump the few odd ones and re-hire with some fresh blood. Get a back-up QB. That Lineorc is just strange... but maybe he has a purpose I don't see from looking at the roster.
So I wouldn't do a total reboot, just fire some and build up the roster a little.
Posted by licker on 2013-01-23 00:43:08
All you miss is more PO.
Get more PO and you will be happy with the development of your orc team.
Posted by JackassRampant on 2013-01-23 00:47:10
Want competitive orcs? Play a different ruleset. Or religiously stay under 1.5M.
Posted by pythrr on 2013-01-23 00:52:03
so you want to minmax
enjoy, but work it out for yourself
Posted by truckerpunk on 2013-01-23 01:09:43
Team looks sweet. (But what do I know I never play orcs). If you're sad that you don't have some crazy stat freak.. Fire all of them. NOW!! DO IT! =)
Posted by Winni on 2013-01-23 02:31:19
All orc coaches should fire all their players and not hire any new ones. Chaos coaches too.
I rate this entry a solid 6 as a shining example for how to create a better world.
Posted by Beerox on 2013-01-23 02:38:23
Um wut? You made them. They are who they are, and they don't suck. Enjoy.
Posted by xnoelx on 2013-01-23 04:00:47
Put the ones you dislike on LoS duty, let them die, then replace them.