Hi all, if you will excuse the arrogance of this, I have been playing around with some video equipment (long story) and decided to experiment with my last game of Blood Bowl. Here is the 10 minute video:
Please note you will need to watch it in HD to get the most of it, as the skills and other text won't be visible otherwise.
Now this was just more of an experiment in 'how to get things to work' and it taught me a lot... my microphone is terrible... youtube butchers uploads of screen recordings... and so forth.
But it was a lot of fun, so I thought I would share. I might do it again too. I'm not sure. Apart from the extremely specific content, my big concern is length. In the unlikely event that you loved this video or learned anything from it or wanted to watch more, would you prefer:
a) a longer video that went into more detail and tactics of the game
b) a shorter video that just summarized what happened
c) a shorter video that went into more detail but only covered one specific part of the game
d) leave it the way it is, a 10 minute recap