So now I have two posts (or should I say essays) on skilling sauruses I will talk skinks, which is much easier.
There are three types of Skinks: standards, special plays, and game winners.
Standard Skinks
Take SIDE STEP first. Take DIVING TACKLE next. Stick them next to ball barriers. Watch them lead short but useful lives. Next take anything you feel like... sure feet, sprint, whatever. On a double, BLOCK.
Special Plays
Block is a standard double for a skink. It keeps them alive. However, there two skills that are exceptions. You will want one KICK. Kick is a very important skill for Lizardmen, used right you keep weak throwers close to your players (by making them go forward to get the ball) and force slow teams to spend an extra turn moving back to get it.
You will also want one DIRTY PLAYER. I am not going to talk too much fouling here - needless to say it screws Lizard teams and you will want one there to discourage your opponent. There are
other ways to go about this, but it is not my style, so I cannot give advice on it.
On Special Play skinks pretty much skill them like Standard Skinks, although consider something like SURE FEET or CATCH ahead of diving tackle. Personally I wouldn't, but it never hurts to try to keep them alive.
Game Winners
Stat Boosted Skinks. Always take a stat boost. After this, if you get doubles take BLOCK, or anything that can keep them alive. Never give special play skills to stat boosted skinks.
After a +MA take SPRINT, then sure feet. +MA sprinting skinks can score a one turn touchdown with one extra push (if you don't know what I mean one day I will discuss it... in the meantime just hope for a quick snap)
+ST Skinks are great for giving assists to Saurus when they need it, because they are not instant toast afterwards. Also good as emergency sweepers. Take side step, then sure feet. Want them to stay alive.
+AG skinks are simply amazing. They will win you game after game. Firstly picking up the ball is a 2+ which is always ace. Secondly they now can make quick passes at 3+ so its not too bad... but mostly they dodge 2+ UNMODDIFIED. This means if your skink is caged and things are going bad he can just run free. Keep these guys alive at all costs.
Overall just don't get attached to the skinks. They die easy. Remeber, the only difference between skilling skinks and killing skinks is s.
Har har.