Posted by BillBrasky on 2016-11-06 06:33:40
Sadly, I find the Pact Minotard as the dullest knife in the drawer.
I would advise against hiring one.
They fail when you need them most.
They are expensive, and Wild Animal is a terrible negatrait.
AV 8 Big Guy is bad. Wasting Blitzes, and unable to move without blitzing is horrendous. As fun as they could be, I suggest not buying one.
Posted by fidius on 2016-11-06 06:58:27
If you're not blitzing with your Minotaur, you're wasting him. 1/6 chance of wasting your blitz is a pretty hefty fee. But hey, he's the most awesome fig in the box and needs to be played!
Posted by DrDiscoStu on 2016-11-06 08:52:29
I mean if you are going full-optimisation the odds are you aren't playing pact. If you are, I think TPM is a lot of fun.
Yes it does look like a bit of a waste to not blitz with him, but it isn't hard to get a mb/block/claw/piling on/horns/tackle marauder either.
Posted by mike467 on 2016-11-06 12:42:28
For me if you aren't blitzing he will quickly be left out of position blocked to floor and gang fouled or at very least miles away from the action. With that you lose a lot of tv from the game. They are fun and should be used but once a team developed starting a new mono seems like a price to high to pay in league. In Ranked take it and have fun!
Posted by Apojar on 2016-11-06 15:42:30
Playing Chaos Pact in one of the more popular leagues on the site, I like your lead-in analysis of the position. I don't feel, however, that there is one clear-cut answer to the scenario that can hold up across the board. Each Coach registering a Pact team should ask themselves how they view this particular position, as it relates to their plan going forward.
Am I looking to build a team that can hit like mad, and win by removal?
- if the answer is "yes", TPM is probably not for you.
The position is VERY expensive to purchase. If you're wanting to remove, the chances would dictate that you're trying to develop a CPOMB (or two) Marauder. THOSE are the guys you want Blitzing; not really the other two Bigs. It would seem that if you're looking to Blitz with Marauders, you've already wasted Horns on the Minotaur. That leaves Frenzy and MB as his desirables, but look at it as a cost analysis: I'm paying 150,000 gold for a player that I'm only utilizing 120,000 gold of his price (Frenzy would be a double). Doesn't seem like an effective spending of resources.
Am I looking to build a Pact team with good balance? I.E. - Guards/Tacklers/MB'ers as good support?
- if the answer is "yes", the Minotaur here is for you.
His first skill (depending upon how much you find you're Blitzing with him) could be Jugg, but undoubtedly, he'd be a great Guard for the rest of the team. Put him next to a dude. Even if he WA's, he's still offering support to your squad. That makes his cost more effective toward your bottom line. You have him as support, and can really hit with just about anybody on the team, since it's rather balanced.
Look, I play Pact, but I'm by no means a "good" Pact coach. I play the [url=]Jacksonville Pactuars[/url] in the [url=]NBFL[/url]. [url=]Ziggy Hood[/url] is my Minotaur. He's mainly used as a support player, as he's not developed anything out of the ordinary. He does inflate my TV, but his SF/Guard sure increases his value to my team. The way I've utilitzed him has been in a way where I don't really NEED him to score a double, as he's been support, as well as taking up space/hits that are meant for other players.
Posted by Uedder on 2016-11-06 16:57:08
I use him as a mix of the two. My pact xfl finalist mino has block guard stand firm and break tackle. Get him in contact using the first blitz (or on the los blocks) and use him as a roadblock until he's needed to do something. That's when i blitz with him.
Anyway you forgot the best role for him tho: roar in the middle of the pitch to scare off the opposition!
Posted by Antithesisoftime on 2016-11-06 18:23:23
Playing against Apojar twice each season, I can verify that his pact mino is useful, but bloaty.
Having played a developed pact team deep into a major, I can reliably say that without +ST and 2 more doubles, he's still more bloat than value
Posted by DrDiscoStu on 2016-11-06 23:16:27
Cheers for the comments. Yes Apojar I see what you mean, mind you when I talk about the Blocker/Road Block, if it turned out that he was without an opponent, I would likely blitz with him and try to have him with two people next to him for the next turn. So I am not precluding him from blitzing totally, I just wouldn't build him that way.
I just can't see the point of taking Break Tackle, it's too risky. But cheers for the thoughts.
And yes, I would definitely develop a varied side. I think there would be a fair bit of Foul Appearance as I love the skill.
Posted by licker on 2016-11-08 06:25:21
All minotaurs are trash.
It is known.