Posted by garyt1 on 2021-01-17 03:07:12
Impressive! Good work on the bash and foul work. An ag5 can't hurt either. Has he proved his worth? Do you ttm much?
Posted by ben_awesome on 2021-01-17 05:49:31
Your snotlings, my goblins.
Posted by DrClaes on 2021-01-17 09:28:09
Happy to have you, Half!
My point in shaping the Throne rules and ethos was to acknowledge that we approach the game and the community with our own goals and dreams--be it Major wins, gridfilling, teaching the game to rookies in the 145, or bashing heads for the glory of pixelated Throne of Blood medals. End of day, all the blood is just pixels in the rain, and as Mr. PurpleChest noted on the podcast, when a wood elf is stomped into the dirt and dies, Christer gives you a new one for free!
Posted by Halfabrain on 2021-01-17 10:40:15
@garyt1 ag4 on a stilty is great but I'm not sure yet how it'll work with ag5. As for ttm, in 30 games I've yet to score a 1ttd and my throw attempts tend to nearly always fail... maybe I'm doing something wrong
Posted by lethalkid on 2021-01-19 20:33:39
whats the throne of blood?
Posted by Halfabrain on 2021-01-20 22:28:37
@lethalkid The Throne of Blood is a competition run every month and is open to any stunty team in Ranked, Blackbox or League.
you can find all the details here: