So after
this blog post, MenonaLoca kindly offered to manage a team for me. They're a Chaos Chosen team that I unwisely took to an XFL match after they'd played two games, and then got properly wrecked, losing two Blockers and leaving me destitute of hope for a while.
But as I'd enjoyed a run with Nurgle in Ranked, so I had a feeling maybe bashing was for me, and because I hate to abandon a good joke, I dusted off the Vegans and handed the controls over.
As with most acknowledgments, all the credit goes to MenonaLoca. All the blame for poor coaching decisions
in game is down to me.
We had started with a 33% win rate. That was one lucky win in our first match with the Vegans, and then two abject losses.
So off we went to the races. The first match under the new regime was on the 5th of April ... and we lost 2-0 to Norse. We took 4 of them out though, so I figured maybe I would start to enjoy a bunch of burly chaps hitting men in chainmail bikinis.
So of course the next match was against
Khemri. Now, I was still a bit down after asking Malmir for advice, and then giving him an example of utterly dreadful play to watch, so I had decided to turn over a new leaf, and only foul when absolutely necessary. Lost 1-0, but fouled a Tomb Guardian to permanent death and bust another one. My new resolution of only fouling at AV6 or better seemed to be improving things. And with a 2-0 loss, then a 1-0 loss, surely next it would be... a 3-2 loss against Dark Elves, where half the team were journeymen? What on earth was wrong with the world?
8 games in, I got a win, and then things started to improve. There's more I need to write about the Secret Sauce of MenonaLoca's coaching advice, but that will come a bit later. I reached the heady heights of a 42% win ratio! All was good with the world.
And then I guess our TV swelled a bit further, and we ran out of Wood Elf teams to murder, and bumped up against some of the bigger hitters again. Maybe I'm good at bashing
sometimes and not at 1600 TV?
Plus, I kept having Chaos Chosen dying on me. Perhaps the Vegans are cursed. Perhaps Aaaargdolph Hitter was a pun too far? Or perhaps you just shouldn't expect so much of Mighty Blow.
Guard is turning out to be helpful though. And my CR is hovering around 140, which, while shabby, isn't where it was at the start of April. Onwards, then, and ... upwards?