Posted by Niebling on 2011-09-12 12:57:28
Posted by easilyamused on 2011-09-12 13:06:00
Can the admins unretire the player if you ask nicely?
Prob not but may be worth a shot.
Posted by Rabe on 2011-09-12 13:45:41
They don't (and I had a nice admin answering to me).
I had something very similar once: It was late at night, I was awfully tired, but still wanted to get in another game (preparing my Agility Monsters for a major), so I rushed through the post match sequence... Well, I wanted to retire the longbeard who had just suffered -ST. I _did_ retire an almost perfectly healthy one. :-D
I was shocked back then (especially since it's not really a good preparation...), but compensated it fluff-wise soon:
The accidentally retired longbeard came back as a slayer, only to get killed after a few matches (while the -ST longbeard joined the coaching staff).
My condolences anyway! :-D
Posted by SvenS on 2011-09-12 13:52:32
I guess we now know why Tearful Actors cry! ;)
Posted by Shraaaag on 2011-09-12 15:37:43
It's times like that, I just say 'screw it', and retire the entire team :P One less worry
Posted by Nighteye on 2011-09-12 18:18:40
I don't get it.
Posted by Fuel on 2011-09-12 19:57:56
heh, this happened when server was lagging, lol.
Whell i selected my frenzy saurus, and selected block, and acedently pushed on other saurus ~3-4 squares away. what do you know, i started blocking him!!!!! HAH! first block pow pow, rerol push pow. i select push, frenzy woks fine, roll pow pow. DOH. and then the miricale hapened, the saurus died :D man o man that i was piss*d off. i ended the match that instant for obviuos reasons :)
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-09-12 20:16:56
Admins aren't permitted to unretire players, for this sort of reason.
I had something similar once. I skilled a skelly to guard/block so thought he derserved his own image. I was a bit drunk and after a bit of fiddling........a sadful day :(
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2011-09-12 23:02:45
Now you have to keep the -ST elf until he dies! :D
Posted by SvenS on 2011-09-12 23:27:59
Nah he reminded me of this incident and had to go! ;)
Posted by the_Sage on 2011-09-13 12:20:30
@Nighteye, while he 'decided' to retire his -ST, he didn't click retire on the -, but on the +
@Sven, you do realize that you are now a minmaxer (ie someone who fires healthy players and/or does not use a +STAT roll).
Posted by SvenS on 2011-09-13 14:31:29
Yes minmaxers always fire +stats in favour of -stats! ;)
Posted by avien on 2011-09-14 00:38:42
That's the maxminers ;)