After the over 24h long journey back home (yes including long boring waits) Im back from the Cap Verde island of Boa Vista. Its a beautiful volcanic/deserty island far off the coast of africa with around 27 degrees comfortable warmth. Not too exploited yet if you avoid the massive arabic-city like hotel complex on one of the beaches.
Nice people learning the ways of tourism happy to talk to you.
We picked a child friendly hotel with only breakfeast included planning on trying out lots of different local resturants.
Lovely place called Park des Dumas.
The only thing which could be dissappointing was the pretty big waves of the sea made the beaches unbathable most days, but there was always the pool! ;)
On our way there I picked up the cyanide game for my PSP.
While I guess it served as a way to pass some time and as a way to freshen up on lrb5, the lousy AI even in "hard" mode made it more of a teambuilding and lrb5 skill intro then any real challenge.
The team setup between kick-offs also annoyed me a bit.
All teams played after the 1st were far below in TV sometimes about half or less. Skills for the opponents seemed totally random too (yes that break tackle goblin was wierd!).
I guess it can still serve as a way to practise chainpushes, but be aware every push of more then 2 players took the thing over a minute to complete =(
Glad to be back to FUMBBL instead! I'll likely be way worse then usual after getting used to the silly AI! :D