The revived
Recordopedia Spluttanica - CRP Edition is now almost fully up and looking for entries. Do your player or teams have what it takes to get an entry in the records? Reported entries that are either the first for a category, or are higher than current entries will be added until they can be shown to have been beaten.
Remember to add links to the teams/players/matches in question as this takes a fair while to put together as it is!
Also check out the previous blog entry, and also the link in the opening post on the thread that lets you look at the progress of the real life book version. It's starting to take shape.
More fun Did You Know entries are needed as we only have 3 so far. Also, although very hard to get I'm sure there are more than just 3 CRP era Larsons and Perfect Larsons out there.
Get reporting dudes.
As always, feedback is very welcome.
I'll also be returning to add more content to the image library at some point this week, if only because I've snagged a bunch more whilst gathering images to put the RS together :D