The terror of the
Knows Bugs finally did it.
In what is developing into a
rivalry with the Genetic Derivation as the two teems seem to be the only high TV clubs running around the black box late during North American nights.
Heisenberg came through huge in a game played in a constant rain, while the hitters of the Bugs were struggling to take out any of the beastly Nurgle, Heisenberg had a quick score on turn 3 of the 1st half to push him to legendhood, however, he still had to survive the rest of the game, and the Derivation have increased their claw capacity three fold since the first time the teams played, and
Captain Nurgle is one of the few players around who can legitimately threaten Heisenberg all by himself.
The Derivation were unable to score the equalizer on turn 8 though, as they attempted a safe block, but came up with the fabled quad skulls. In the 2nd half the Derivation pummeled the Bugs for 6 turns, and finally took their TD, poor KO rolls left the Bugs with a mere 8 players to face off against a full complement of 11 Nurgle, and a riot pushed the clock back giving the Derivation a full 3 turns to try and steal the ball.
The Bugs finally found some punch, and knocked off a rotter, while Heisenberg gathered the ball behind a shallow hobber screen. The Derivation coach decided to go for the win, a blitz on
Farting Unicorn resulted in his death, but the apo was on the spot to pull him back from the brink. Prestigators and Warriors swarmed across the center line, marking as many Bugs as they could, but leaving an opening on the south side of the pitch.
Heisenberg ignored the coaches pleas to simply stay back behind his screen, and blitzed Captain Nurgle, failing to knock him over, and rerolling into both down, no rerolls left the 2+ dodge naked, but Heisenberg made it, the Bugs rescreened as best they could, and left it to the will of nuffle how the penultimate turn would play out.
It was rather anticlimactic as the long hard game apparently had taken it's toll on the rookie Derivation warrior, and he failed his block, leaving a relatively open advance for Heisenberg, and a couple dodgey hobbers were able to make enough interference to keep the Derivation from a good chance at marking him, though the Beast was freed, but he failed his 2nd gfi, and Heisenberg was able to waltz in uncontested for the winner on turn 16. He further netted the MVP for his efforts!
It was a great game, and normally I don't put a ton of stock in Legends and such, but box teams get more of the benefit of the doubt, and Heisenberg is also my first Legend on any team, including League.
Now to decide what his final skill should be, just a normal roll, but it's all good :)