Hello sports fans!

I invested all my money for some Goblin miniatures and painted them in Pixels. And took a Shaman from the Stuntee Forest Goblins.

I don't want to put them only in my living room to impress house guests but came up with a concept for them to use in a closed league environment.
To do that these guys gain a few new Specialist Skills.
So leave already, or take a look and let me know how broken those sound to you.
Cheerleader adds 1d6 of free Cheerleaders before the match
Shaman grants one Apoth Roll on Non Lethal injurious suffered in previous game between matchdays
Fan a team desperate for money can offer a fanservice where fans are allowed to play with their favorite team! What an experience for them. They are willing to pay for every game they get fielded. Roll 1d6*10K gold, add one half of the result to team's Treasury and add the additional half if the fan survives a match.
*more complex and effects ingame*
Bribed Ref a bribed ref can not attack or be attacked via direct Block or Blitz. A Bribed Ref may foul or get fouled. A Bribed Ref has to roll 1d6 after a match. If he rolls a 1 the league confiscates the ref's licence and the player retires.
*more convoluted and part of another house rule concept for league play including a blackmarket*
Filch gives one time Access to Blackmarket, player loses Filch (50K) after usage.
Happy for feedback.
Have a nice day,
PS: If you should become interested into my Goblin Project. I am posting in the Forum under Houserules until all Pixels are done.
Edit: here they are
Specialists are Goblin players with additional staff functions and skills that can be activated between matchdays.
Coaches are allowed to hire one specialist per matchday.
Seriously Injured Specialists(missing next game) can not be activated.
Goblin Shamans have always been important figures in Goblin societies. Their hallucinogenic brews made out of maddening mushroom sand toxic spider venom can erase brains but with Nuffle's will they can also numb the pain of an injury.
Shaman | Stats | Skills | Price |
0-1 | 6 2 3 7 | Loner, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Shaman*, Peaked | 90K* |
*Allows one Apoth Roll between matchdays for any Non Lethal Casualty suffered in previous game.
Handling a whole team of mad Goblins can be a burden for one single sane Coach. Professional Blood Bowl teams often rely on the service of specialised Assistant Coaches. Some of these are also able to play themselves.
Player-Coach | Stats | Skills | Price |
0-1 | 6 2 3 7 | Loner, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Coach*, Peaked | 90K* |
* Allows a 1d6* roll before matchday to grant free Assistant Coaches for next game
Some argue that it is actually the cheeleaders that fans come for. Dancing and cheering for their teams they drive fans wild! Being already very acrobatic some of them also put on a good show on the pitch.
Cheerleader | Stats | Skills | Price |
0-1 | 6 2 3 7 | Loner, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Cheerleader*, Peaked | 90K* |
*Allows a 1d6* roll before matchday to grant free Cheerleaders for next game
There are certainly some Blood Bowl players who made it despite their lack of talent. It was rather their contacts to Higher Ups that granted them the opportunity to realise the dream to become a star. But one dirty hand washes another and many teams benefit from the nepotism.
Filcher | Stats | Skills | Price |
0-1 | 6 2 3 7 | Loner, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Filch*, Peaked | 90K* |
* Grants one time access to the Black Market. Player loses skill after usage and costs as much as a regular Goblin.
A team desperate for money can offer a fanservice where fans are allowed to play with their favorite team! They are willing to pay for every game they get fielded. Roll 1d6*10K before the next match, add one half of the result to team's Treasury and add the additional half if the fan survives a match.
Fan | Stats | Skills | Price |
0-1 | 5 1 2 6 | Loner, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Disposable, Peaked | pays 1d6*10K |
Despite being illegal some teams actually hire referees. While they obviously can not act too suspicious they often can decide matches just by standing in the way.
Bribed Ref | Stats | Skills | Price |
0-1 | 6 2 3 6 | Loner, Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, No Hands, Bribed Ref*, Peaked | 90K* |
*A bribed ref can not attack or be attacked via direct Block or Blitz. A Bribed Ref may foul or get fouled. Bodycontact due Ball&Chain movement or Explosions are counted as accidents and are "permitted". Tacklezones apply as usual. A Bribed Ref has to roll 1d6 after a match. If he rolls a 1 the league confiscates the ref's licence and the player retires.
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