What is this about? Well, read the scripture.
In the beginning there were only basic leagues. Boring games full of grind and stalling. And Nuffle looked upon it and said "This is boring as shit.".
Like a Blitzer preparing to pick up the ball, Nuffle clapped his hands upon the world, destroying everything. Squashed into a flat disk the world now resembled the two sided coin that was the literal embodiement of Nuffles fickleness. The few abominations that dwelled in this eternal darkness, crept amongst the ruins, too busy eeking out a meagre existance to play the hallowed game.
So Nuffle said "Let there be Blood Bowl.". AND THERE WAS....
The great Nuffle himself sent spores floating across both sides of the disc, watched them as they spread across the broken land and settled into the ruined soil. And soon from the fecund earth sprung gits, fully formed and ready to bring Nuffle's best brand of Blood Bowl to the universe.
On the first day the Commissioner was born, as well as the cheerleaders, for the Commissioner could not be expect to live alone at the Stately Commissioners Mansion.
On the second day sprung forth the Coaches and the capitalist club owners, and a motley crew of tactical genius' they were.
On the third day the coaching staff and referees were created, and training rosters were scrawled messily upon blackboards in the clubrooms.
On the fourth day a slave class sprang forth and were immediately put to work building the stands and the stadiums.
On the fifth day the Trolls were birthed, and ferocious there were. On the fifth day the players were formed, and were immediately rounded up and sent to training camps.
On the six day the millions of supporters were birthed, and they would soon flock like sheep to the games, parting easily with their money, spending it on tickets, and disgustingly greasy stadium food.
On the seventh day Nuffle rested, with chips and beer, for the seventh day was game day, and there was XXXL to watch.
The XXXL, fumbbl's purest Goblin league, is looking for one new coach, preferably for the international Tailz division featuring intercontinental brawls of the upcoming season.
We were about to start our first Great Bribery already, but postponed due losing coaches during or due the new year holiday season... If you are looking for a leeg that makes much use of fumbbl's customisation possibilities and an environment where you can gain SPP for **fouling*** the XXXL could be perfect for you.
We plan to kick off the season tomorrow Monday January the 4th, Division Tailz is now looking for one more coach.
Take a look at our handy handbook in fresh BBCode
https://fumbbl.com/note/mekutata/Handbook2020 or rewatch last season's grand final
https://fumbbl.com/p/match?id=4249775 and contact me if you are keen to join the madness. You can find our league page here
In "short" XXXL offers:
a long handbook with overwhelming new rules to manipulate your leisure time,
new old Goblin star players (Dirty Dan! Basher!),
curent Goblin star players that stay (Ripper is alive!),
even more greedy star players (Nuk Em Gud has Strong Arm and Bombardier, mutated Warpstone Cultists),
customizable player icons,
demanding team sponsors,
mighty card effects to bonehead your opponent's gits or manipulate the league's rules for one match day,
SPP for fouling pieces, SPP for fouled pieces!,
backstabbing coaches aged from 16 up 61,
irregular World News magazine,
secret key to admin rng for XXXL Bowl winner,
no dwarfs!
Also: The popular deep game analysis show with Rod the Troll
Send me a dm if you are keen to join and have a nice day.
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