Hail Nuffle,
the XXXL is organizing a one off tournament with Forest Goblins.
Even though the sun had not quite dropped below the horizon, darkness fell quickly under the forest canopy. Savage little Gobbos were hurridly carrying armloads of wood towards the fire that marked the middle of their village. Birds called loudly to one another to mark the coming night. In the distance, the rattling noise of Bone Trolls marked their passage into the twilight, off to set up their ambushes, or do whatever it was they did out there in the dark. A pot of stew was manhandled onto the fire, slopping over the side as the cooking crew put it up on the poles. One of them stooped down to throw a Snotling arm back into the cauldron. As the fire began to roar into life, Goblins arrived from the surrounding forest, taking up positions of comfort around the flames.
They chattered a while as their dinner cooked, waiting for the shaman, Drocta, to join them, maybe listen to him tell a story.
Most secretly hoped it wasn't one of the ones they had heard a thousand times before. But then, it would be. There weren't that many variations of stories about living in a forest and eating mushrooms and snotlings and digging holes to shit in. Some of the least sick Goblins were bought to the fire on pallets, but most of the uninfected Gitz gave them wide bearth. It's not that they thought they could catch whatever the sick ones were dying from... its just that they didn't want to have to help them if they asked for something like water, or foods, or hugs.
The shaman, arrived, all bones and feathers, and for a while he went over the sick Gobs, shaking his rattle at them, or trying to thrash the illness out with a stick. It was a fairly normal night. The cooks began to dish out stew. It was thin and weedy, but they didn't know better. The stew was always thin and weedy. By the time the shaman had stopped his ministrations, most of the Gitz were happily slurping down their dinner. Drocta climbed up on his speaking log and coughed a couple of times. The chatter died down, but the slurping continued unabated.
"Rite yu lot. Lissen up. We ave a speshil gest speeka tonite hoo haz traviled a long wae to speek to yu, so I want yu to giv him yur undevided attenshun. Undastand?"
Most of the Gits nodded eagerly, all to pleased to have a break in the monotony that was their dinner routine. They all looked around, trying to see the newcomer. Right on cue, from the darkness that ringed the fire, a new Git appeared. There was an uptake of breath from the crowd.
To say the Goblin looked damaged was an understatement. He hobbled in on two crutches. Both knees were heavily bandaged. His collar bone had been broken, and never reset, and neither of his eyes looked in the same direction. He slowly clambered up onto the speaking log that Drocta had vacated. It was then the full horror of his condition struck the crowd. His wayward eyes boggled a bright sickly yellow, and it was obvious he was doped to the gills with spider venom and maybe a maddening mushroom or two. He raised one crutch, almost like he was waving to the crowd.
"Ello. For dose of yu dat dont know me, an I'm pretty sure most ov yu will, mi name iz Grodboy Stik Stikka. Yeh. Dats right. Da Blud Bowl playa. An I'm heer to tell yu abowt an amazin oppatunity to betta yurselfs. Make sum reel gud monee. Kos yu see, far away in a plaas dey kall sivilisashion, der is a Blud Bowl leeg kalled da XXXL. An if yu iz gud enuff, dey will giv yu heeps ov munee to plae Blud Bowl for dem. But not ane Git kan just go an join. Yu haft to get selekted firs. An da onle way a nobody like yu lot can get notised is by joinin' up wiv wun ov da XXL teems. An den, if yur gud enuff. Den maybee. If yur reeely lukky, yu culd get selekted by wun ov da big teems. I yoused to plae Blud Bowl for wun of dose teems, but den I took a takle to da knee. Now dey pay me to rekruit yu lot. So it evin offers job sekuritee. Aneway. Fank yu for yur attenshion. Dis annownsment is bort to yu by Gobbo Goblets, prowd sponsa of da XXXL. "
Drocta helped him off the log, shaking the Star Players hand in a pathetic display of hero worship. In the background, Gits were already disappearing into the forest to find a XXL team to join, even if they didn't know where they were supposed to look.
XXXL presents
XXL: Goblin Idolz I
The XXXL is looking for new players in obscure places. To do so they organize a series of tournaments all abroad the big coin. The first step of this project leads deep into the Jungle and will be a short league played by Forest Goblins.
XXXL coaches and new coaches are welcome to participate. Send mekutata a dm or write in the comments if you are interested to join.
Forest Goblin Teams
Round Robin with separate final between the two teams with most points
BB 20 Rules but BB16 Skill Progression
Fouls +1 to injury if not interfered
Matchday length 1 week
Participating coaches will vote on Discord if this tournament features a Spike Ball or not (currently 6:3 for spikey spike splat)..
The winner team will be invited to come back to a later season of XXL: Goblin Idolz to face off against the winners of other seasons.
Meanwhile the best individual players of each tournament will get the chance to turn professional and join the
XXXL's playermarket.
The Team
Position | | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Skillaccess | Costs |
| 0-16 Forest Goblins | 6 | 2 | 3+ | 4+ | 7+ | Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty | A/G,S,P | 35K |
| 0-2 Stikka | 6 | 2 | 3+ | 5+ | 8+ | Dodge, Stunty, Stab | A/G,S,P | 55K |
| 0-2 Savage Goblin | 6 | 2 | 3+ | 5+ | 8+ | Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Dauntless, Frenzy | S/G,A,P | 55K |
| 0-2 Shaman | 6 | 2 | 3+ | 5+ | 8+ | Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Regeneration, Shaman | Peaked | 70K |
| 0-2 Spider Rider | 7 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Bone Head, Dodge, Shadowing, Tentacles, Two Heads | A,S/G,P,M | 100K |
| 0-2 Bone Troll | 4 | 5 | 5+ | 5+ | 10+ | Always Hungry, Animal Savagery, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate | S/A,G,P | 115K |
| 0-2 Rabid Snotling | 5 | 1 | 3+ | 5+ | 6+ | Dodge, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty, Swarming, Titchy | A/G,S,P | 15K |
Re-Rolls: 60K Apoth: No (teams may use shaman rolls, described below)
Star Players
Food | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Costs |
| 5 | 1 | 3+ | 5+ | 6+ | Dodge, Loner (4+), Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty, Swarming, Titchy | 20K |
Chief Stabba | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Costs |
| 6 | 2 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Defensive, Dodge, Loner (4+), Stab, Stunty, Thick Skull | 75K |
Da Boss | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Costs |
| 6 | 2 | 3+ | 5+ | 8+ | Dirty Player (+1), Dodge, Kick, Loner (4+), Regeneration, Right Stuff, Stunty, Shaman | 90K |
Kappa and Hairy | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Costs |
| 7 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Dodge, Extra Arms, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Shadowing, Tentacles, Two Heads | 145K |
Brute Applez | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Costs |
| 2 | 7 | 5+ | 4+ | 11+ | Loner (4+), Take Root, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate, Timmm-ber! | 175K |
King Krunch | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Costs |
| 4 | 5 | 5+ | 5+ | 10+ | Loner (4+), Multiple Block, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team-mate | 200K |
Ripper | MA | ST | AG | PA | AV | Skills | Costs |
| 4 | 6 | 6+ | 5+ | 10+ | Grab, Loner, Mighty Blow, Regeneration, Throw Team-Mate | 235K |
Special Rules: Shaman
Goblin Shamans have always been important figures in Goblin societies. Their hallucinogenic brews made out of maddening mushrooms and toxic spider venom can dissolve brains but with Nuffle's will they can also numb the pain of an injury. Which is important for Forest Goblins as they lack access to a professional Apothecary
A shaman may attempt to heal one non-lethal injury suffered in the previous match. The Coach may choose the new dice result or keep the old one.
Shaman Roll | Injury | Effect |
11- 38 | Healed | No long term effect |
41 | Broken Ribs | Miss next game |
42 | Groin Strain | Miss next game |
43 | Gouged Eye | Miss next game |
44 | Broken Jaw | Miss next game |
45 | Fractured Arm | Miss next game |
46 | Fractured Leg | Miss next game |
47 | Smashed Hand | Miss next game |
48 | Pinched Nerve | Miss next game |
51 | Damaged Back | Niggling Injury |
52 | Smashed Knee | Niggling Injury |
53 | Smashed Hip | -1 MA |
54 | Smashed Ankle | -1 MA |
55 | Serious Concussion | -1 AV |
56 | Fractured Skull | -1 AV |
57 | Broken Neck | -1 AG |
58 | Smashed Collar Bone | -1 ST |
61-68 | DEAD | Dead! |
| | |
Feel free to visit us at our
leeg page and give a shout to mekutata and Happy_Amateur if you are brave enough.
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