Posted by DatMonsta on 2011-12-28 18:05:24
What the hell is a chickenhawk? Some kind of weird bird?
Posted by Calcium on 2011-12-28 18:13:26
You'll gain nothing by playing ClawPOMB? Tell that to RandomOracle :)
On a more serious note, CRP has given us this, and all we can do is live with it. I'm suprised at you pointing the finger at the chaoches that prefer clawPOMB, you are normally so pro choice and quite liberal about things Arktoris.
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2011-12-28 18:21:57
Posted by Arktoris on 2011-12-28 18:31:22
all things good in moderation Calcium.
If you notice my message acknowledges why RandomOracle and his entourage of wannabes play clawpomb exclusively.
I'm wondering why the *extreme* cpombophilia in open play.
What's the payoff or motivation?
Posted by Calcium on 2011-12-28 18:41:41
The payoff for me? Blood. As in 'Blood' bowl
(a tired phrase I know, but always relevant)
Seriously, the problem is not with how deadly clawPOMB is, it's how vunerable every other team has become against it. I counter your qusetion with one of my own...
'Where's the payoff for playing humans/Khemri in the box and getting smashed everytime your TV pokes over 1500?'
As a team builder who likes to create a story with my teams, I don't see any point in making my humans fat in TV so I can be killed and eaten like an xmas turkey by a clawPOMB monster team.
Posted by Calcium on 2011-12-28 18:49:24
I should probably add that I dont have nor ever have had a clawPOMBer outside of the box :)
I get what you are saying, but the only solution is to change the rules, and sadly that's not gonna happen apparently.
Posted by pythrr on 2011-12-28 18:58:57
they are weirdos.
Posted by Arktoris on 2011-12-28 19:07:40
yeah, this letter isn't about you Calcium. I understand why people want to play cpomb style chaos teams in the box.
I get why people like cpomb in general.
I get why people bring cpomb chaos type teams to tournaments.
But why the *radical* obsession for it in open play format?
You aren't playing chaos type cpomb teams only in ranked, Calcium. I'm looking for a response from those that do.
Posted by Corvidius on 2011-12-28 19:17:46
Possibly to showcase the fact that it's a perfectly acceptable playstyle? Possibly because Ranked is more like a "traditional" challenge league but is still eligible for majors? Or maybe just because they like Chaos in the same way some people like elves or dwarves? It's just a choice thing and it's fair enough. I played various Chaos Teams for 5 years under 3rd ed, i liked the models and simplicity of the team. In Ranked people choose to play you, if cpomb teams are still getting enough games to be built to killing levels maybe it's a sign that the "killstack" isn't as scary as some folks think.
Posted by koadah on 2011-12-28 19:44:23
Rest assured Arktoris ?I won't be posting any clawPOMB teams on game finder.
This blog reminds me why I probably won't be posting ANY teams on gamefinder.
If anyone is feeling particularly well 'ard pay a visit to
Posted by lizvis on 2011-12-28 20:40:12
what's that sound?..............
oh yeah................
it's the sound of FUMBBL dying.............
good job CRP, your objective is almost complete, and very few people suspected that was your plan all along. Because now its only a matter of time before most people figure out how pointless it is to play clawpomb vs clawpomb games ALL the time.
but ark, my two cents on your question is, people finally get it, and are trying to get a killer team for the next major. because chaos, CD, CP, and nurgles are the only teams that stand a real chance at winning majors that aren't UI anymore.
Posted by spinball on 2011-12-28 20:46:39
DatMonsta here you go me thinks
As for the blog, I agree...just need to alter the PO a bit and we would have a more balanced the box would be better
Posted by shadow46x2 on 2011-12-28 21:49:32
calcium, being a team builder and wanting longevity to your team so you can build said story is all fine and dandy...
but story are you building when you make the same clawbomb team 3 different times?
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-12-28 21:54:01
'Ok, I get it. Many of you bring clawpomb teams to Box division because it's better to be the windshield than the bug. It's simply the climate the admins have created for that division'. I resent this comment, I ban clawpomb teams and coaches for the most anal of reasons.
'Possibly to showcase the fact that it's a perfectly acceptable playstyle?' Is it? I certainly wouldn't willingly play a game vs a team with more than 2 clawpombs.
Posted by Corvidius on 2011-12-28 22:04:30
"'Possibly to showcase the fact that it's a perfectly acceptable playstyle?' Is it? I certainly wouldn't willingly play a game vs a team with more than 2 clawpombs."
Absolutely, sure i'm gonna be more reticent with my teams that are particularly vulnerable to it but only in the same way as if i'm a team that relies too heavily on dodge and my opponent has a lot of tackle.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-12-28 22:21:03
It's acceptable to you. I have no problem with that. I have no problem with 2 likeminded coaches having a good old clawpomb fest. 'Perfectly' though is an adverb of completeness no manner, in this case meaning 100%. I've stated it isn't acceptable to me, and I doubt I'm alone meaning it isn't 'perfectly' 100% acceptable. In my opinion it's killing the game I love, and leaching off of the site I love.
Posted by Arktoris on 2011-12-28 22:21:33
ok, maybe it's out of line to toss in that line about admins, but...
Admins have willfully chosen not to implement a TS system for CRP like they did for lrb4 (where uber combos get a TS boost and then match TS vs TS) or implement BBR as a factor in match ups. And maybe there's a good reason for it. If so, I apologize Harvestmouse.
but not doing so sends a loud message to the rest of us that uberclaw in the box is a green light by the authorities of the site.
the only reason why i haven't made a chaos team for the box yet is because at heart I'm more of a dwarf coach, and I haven't had enough dwarf vs clawpomb games to be convinced that dwarves can't go toe to toe vs them.
Posted by Calcium on 2011-12-28 22:30:20
@ shadow
I built other clawPOMB teams when my existing teams wouldn't get games due to their elevated TV. In the box I may well do it more when and if all the teams become TV unviable. Then I will fire them into B majors.
Could be worse, I could minmax them. And I build teams for me 1st and foremost.
For the record my chaos babes were 220 games old(2nd to Neo's chaos in the box-3rd oldest overall)in LRB4 before anyone even knew the term clawPOMB, the other 2 teams really don't matter as much, but I like playing clawPOMB in B. Good job that isn't a crime eh?
Posted by RandomOracle on 2011-12-28 22:33:03
Admins != Christer. I doubt the admins have much to do with implementing TS.
Posted by Corvidius on 2011-12-28 22:33:14
"It's acceptable to you. I have no problem with that. I have no problem with 2 likeminded coaches having a good old clawpomb fest. 'Perfectly' though is an adverb of completeness no manner, in this case meaning 100%. I've stated it isn't acceptable to me, and I doubt I'm alone meaning it isn't 'perfectly' 100% acceptable. In my opinion it's killing the game I love, and leaching off of the site I love."
Ok, I can recognise that perfectly is disagreeable to you and that you don't like the combo, that's cool man but the killing game has always been part of BB but now i guess it's been separated to a degree. Before you'd have taken MB and maybe Tackle to compliment it, now you're likely to prioritise between killing and utility. I think it's interesting because Chaos (and I mean Chaos, not Pact or Nurgle) were meant to be about killing first and the ball second in the fluff and now that they are able to be built that way easier folks don't like it. I understand why they don't like it (I was very critical of PO to begin with) but It's not a game winning combo and teams can recover from beatings sooo much easier these days.
Posted by Calcium on 2011-12-28 22:34:45
@ Harvestmouse
I am comforted by the fact you surely treat all other teams/coaches as 'anally' as you do so clawPOMB teams. I have always considered you fair and impartial.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2011-12-28 22:50:52
I admin with one rule in mind 'Mouse survival rule' The rule of the......wait that sounds rubbish....
'Admins != Christer. I doubt the admins have much to do with implementing TS.' So true, if you let me get hold of box, I'd do crazy things to it!!!
Posted by Catalyst32 on 2011-12-29 05:29:44
"It's not a game winning combo and teams can recover from beatings sooo much easier these days." I call BS.
If you cannot regularly win games with a CLAWPOMB team you are a terrible coach. It is absolutely a winning combo to be able to reduce the AV of everything you hit to AV7 and then get 2 rolls of the dice to break that AV. You have as much chance of breaking that AV as you do in winning a coin flip... and then you get to flip the coin again.
And you chumps complain about AG4 and Blodge as being overpowered... HAH!!! Take TACKLE you morons and those Elves will stop beating you too.
Posted by koadah on 2011-12-29 12:20:10
Five chaos in the top 10 it's true and Chuck has only completed half a sprint.
Three elves some vamps and some lizzies make up the rest.
But, there are also a lot of chaos who didn't have it all their own way though.
Posted by Overhamsteren on 2011-12-29 12:40:44
Fluffwise chaos might be all about the killing but they also often end up with the best ball carriers. :P
Posted by Raughri on 2011-12-29 12:46:40
Most of this has been covered in the above posts, I think my issue and probably most peoples, isn't a problem with Claw or MB a combination which isn't so bad, it is the overpoweredness (is that even a word, well it is now) of Piling On in combination with the above two skills.
Most people take offence of the killer teams who aren't interested in anything other than killing your team. I have lost count of the times that I've played teams that cause a KO and use Pile On to reroll the injury roll. I understand if you want to knock out that one turner or wardancer but on linemen? Rookie blitzers? Turn 16 when you are 2-0 up? It ruins the game for the other coach and more importantly would never happen regularly in a TT game, which is what we are trying to replicate, surely.
I hear people say take fend, which is like tackle is to Blodge, but tackle has a secondary function too, which makes it more desirable, if fend had a secondary function then it would become more desirable, otherwise you are taking a skill purely to counter one team type and a skill combination that less than 1/6th of teams have access too.
There are lots of suggested solutions but unless GW decide to amend it, I can't see this changing on Fumbbl.
On a personal note, I'd rather play like Barcelona than play like Stoke, however both have their place within the game.
Posted by Arktoris on 2011-12-30 22:09:36
you know what I find interesting. I asked the cpombophiles of ranked a question...and got an answer from everyone but them.