Posted by Mateuszzzzzz on 2019-03-18 22:49:13
I would go sidestep.
Posted by erased000047 on 2019-03-18 23:52:30
id go leap, gives him flexibility in movement.
Posted by delusional on 2019-03-19 02:29:51
Leap is risky. More risky then Dodge where you get a reroll.
I would go two heads. Though Leap is not a bad choice and could be used on the offensive as well.
Posted by Roto on 2019-03-19 02:47:40
I'd say big hand actually.. that'd help allow him to steal the ball better and make a breakaway.
Posted by MenonaLoco on 2019-03-19 02:58:08
This way you can side line squeeze, mark better and even one turn better than the flying gobbo.
Posted by MattDakka on 2019-03-19 13:52:56
I would build him like so: Side Step, Leap, Very Long Legs if 6th skill up is not +AG.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2019-03-19 15:10:57
Tackle is another option for getting away from pesky blodge sstepers.
Posted by Verminardo on 2019-03-19 17:48:34
Leap is great as it opens up options. Not sure VLL is worth a skill slot though, sure, 2+ Leap is nice but 3+ Leap is still ok and there are so many other good skill choices available, chiefly Sure Hands and Side Step. Two Heads is also really good, but if you have it, Leap is less useful.
Posted by MattDakka on 2019-03-19 18:20:05
There is an abyss of difference between 3+ and 2+ leaping.
If you decide to go the Leap route you must build to 2+ leap, otherwise it's better to take Two Heads.
Posted by Jeffro on 2019-03-19 18:51:32
I am building my TT league Dark Elf to do the Very Long Legs / Leap thing. I have not had much play with it, though, so can't say much... and my TT league opponents aren't anywhere close to the level of competition on this site. I'm mainly doing it because the model I'm using appears to have longer legs and all the skills I'm taking for the Pact team are going to be represented by what the model has... much to the detriment of the overall team development ;)
That being said - on other Pact teams I've run, I love Two Heads on a Dark Elf with Dodge... and I'm a huge fan of Sure Feet on a player that I want to get more and more places on the pitch cuz I see it as a potential MA+2 every turn.
Posted by Arktoris on 2019-03-20 03:25:52
thanks everyone for your input. Seems to be quite a number of prominent coaches suggesting side step with good explanation.
Leap vs two heads...hmm...I think that'll answer itself in time (assuming he doesn't splat next game). The more often I wish he could leap vs dodge through the opposition will determine skill at 76 spp.
but yes, if I go leap, VVL or +ag will be a must supplement.
Posted by thoralf on 2019-03-20 05:18:38
Posted by Scarlak on 2019-03-20 10:09:56
If he is your main rusher then I'd go mega safe with sure hands. Saves re-rolls and protects against strip ball. Really though you just need to man up and roll +1ag followed by +1 Str
Posted by lautrehamon on 2019-03-20 13:09:01
I won't go with Leap unless you roll + Agi.With two skills, SS and two heads >> Leap+ Vll on a balle carrier. Leap+ VLL may be acceptable on a wrestle/tackle/stripball build.
Posted by MattDakka on 2019-03-20 13:52:35
Two Heads + Dodge seems better than 2+ Leap until you have to roll many dodges/run through many tackle zones (and at high TV Tackle is common, so the Dodge rr is not assured).
Multiple 2+ dodges get risky, it's better to roll only one 2+ Leap, and moreover, it's harder to stop a leaper because there are more possible paths to protect for the defending team.
Posted by gamelsetlmatch on 2019-03-22 01:44:24
Animosity = Not a Ball 'carrier'
Your teams biggest issue is mobility, which will only be worse if you make him the guy who holds the ball for any reason other than to get the ball to score.
Your +AG guy would be an amazing QB on offense and great for ball recovery on defense if you pop the ball loose and then you can get it to your Elf.
I would just be boring fundamentally functional with him and give him Tackle, Side Step and he really should get another better Stat or else he is kinda replaceable*
..know what I mean?
Posted by Arktoris on 2019-03-22 21:17:14
I hear ya, game. That's why when he gets the ball, best for him to take it all the way instead of passing it. So looking for the most effective way to get it to the EZ.
Leap + VVL (or 5AG)
2heads + sure feet
or other