2008-06-27 18:37:47
63 votes, rating 4.7
* No matter how much I try, no matter how much I get destroyed, I can't stop coaching vampire teams.
* Why when I offer my dwarves to play other dwarves I get the answer "no thanks, same race games are boring", but I don't get that answer if my wood elves want to play theirs?
* I should clean up the Charioteers teampage and add more graphics
* Once upon a time, Ranked was boring and people complained about dirty player. Now it's full of tournaments, carnage, and excitement. Thank you Christer, Angie, admins, Synn et al
* What exactly is a Spoony Bard?
* Why do people ask "proxy?", when it would be easier to simply tell me the proxy and host it themselves?
* I hope my fumbbl addiction doesn't prevent me from being ready for the Army Ten Miler race.
* When my flings hit 10 games and give me the fling player award, I'll disband. Just to consolidate teams.
* Why is it whenever I play in a scheduled smack...my first opponent is always from Germany?
* I should probably give Faction one more try even though it's dead....if only to be an excuse to have another darn Vampire team :D