Land ho! We haul into port once again for issue 9 of the Dreki Fanzone, as we reach the midpoint of the Spring season.
The Dreki suffered another loss at the hands of the Black Flags last game - a loss made more painful as the win was there for the taking but was thrown away by a combination of coaching and playing blunders.
Nevertheless, in true Dreki style we will focus on the positives. Our touchdown was scored on the Black Flags offensive drive, with the help of a very accurate wizard.
As the Black Flags surrounded their own Corsair ball carrier, a fireball took down three players and left the ball on the ground. Himminglaeva didn't need any more of an invitation, and danced into the Black Flags cage to scoop up the ball and throw an arrow-like pass to Torstein Hund.
It was a stylish and difficult play, but made to look easy by CIBBL's best thrower...
Torstein Hund caught the ball easily and sprinted away the touchdown assured.
The rest of the game did not go the way of the Dreki but Mimir assures us that they will get them next time!
Thanks for tuning in, see you next time!