Heave, ho! Heave, ho! Raise the anchor and let's away! We're back as the race for the Great Ocean division title gets closer to land.
The division is due to be decided by the result of the Dreki's game v the Predators of the Deep - a win guarantees the Corsairs the win and a tie could be enough.
The Fanzone will present some more in-depth analysis after that game when the title is decided, but for now a horrifying moment from the previous game vs the Oceanborn Sea Eagles.
Torstein Hund and Himminglaeva were dashing towards the endzone to put Dreki 1-0 up in the first half, when Mimir was smashed to the turf. As he laid on the turf, a stray boot from one of the Sea Elves landed hard on his throat...
He was carried from the pitch...covered in blood...
His heart stopped beating...
Then the Dreki apothecary did
And it's all fine, Mimir is alive and nothing suspicious happened at all.
Thanks for tuning in, see you next time!