Sons of Brutus have just completed their 6th
Human League Premiership Sprint. They had been absent from the Premiership last season, after the SOB went through a stretch of games I like to call the Sobbing. Until their first win this season it had been 80 games since their last Premiership level win. At Premiership level there had been 8 losses, and 72 games below 1600.
At the lowest they were 1100 TV (200k of which were Journeymen), and also got down to FF4 around this time. Some of the reasons behind the Sobbing include the simple nature of the box, a voluntary trim down to qualify for a TV1290 Minor, my somewhat average coaching ability, and probably most importantly - I was on tilt. I seriously considered retiring the team, and doubted that I'd get back to Premiership level with them. A losing mind set leads to losses.
I played a few games on easy mode (skaven), played more Stunty, got involved in some Leagues, and found more enjoyment from Fumbbl, getting relief from the worst parts of R&B. Encouragement from others helped gain perspective, allowing me to rediscover the Sons as a team with potential, and past the worst of it rather than stuck in a downward spiral. The_Murker's campaign to bring balance to the Box provided some inspiration, and there was enough history with the team for me to persevere.
I started to have fun. I could look at a bad dice game and be delighted that my casualties were only MNG and not permed. I could see that while I couldn't make a dodge or a pickup, at least my armour wasn't breaking. Getting my enjoyment back was key.
Now I know there is a school of thought that you should only worry about your own enjoyment because it's your time online and it's precious. That'd be true if you were playing a computer, but the guy at the other end has a right to enjoy his game as well. In my book, a degree of consideration and respect for others are prerequistes for being a decent human being.
In this game both coaches want to win, and one of the roads to winning is removing the opposing team from the pitch. Maiming and killing is part of the game, but what some seem to forget is that it's not the only part of the game. If you want to be a slobberknocker and play Humans in the box you have to be prepared for brutality
at any TV level. You will be constantly rebuilding. Having fluff and taking advantage of the diversity of experience that Fumbbl offers will get you through. Those decent folk who run and play in the HLP will all be cheering for your successes.
Shirtcoptering more your style I hear you say? Well, if you want a proper work out you need to lift above your TV weighting, so you
need to play Humans in the Box. You won't get buff rowdy playing easy mode with C-pombination teams - you'll get fat and flabby.
Trust me, you think it's fun to kill a 300SPP+ Nurgle Warrior now? It tastes even sweeter when its a rookie human lineman and his boot.
Be a Slobberknocker, compete in the Human League Premiership - Blackbox on Hard Mode.