MBBL is the
Melbourne Blood Bowl League, which has been running for a while and has about 34 teams playing across various divisions. As a new migrant to Melbourne, I've taken the opportunity to explore the world of tabletop play. If you live in Melbourne and haven't heard of them, its well worth checking out.
I've had my debut game, a 1-0 loss to Orcs, but had a great time. I out bashed them, but they out balled me with two key catches of a bouncing ball in tacklezones. The score I conceeded was also a 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ play, so at least it wasn't a cakewalk for him.
Ultimately I think I might have done a little better if I'd remembered I had a wizard during the first half. Apparently when playing tabletop you don't have a pop up dialog asking if you want to nuke someone at the beginning of each turn. Also, perspective changes things a little, without the top down landscape view of the pitch I found myself making a few positional errors. Marking of player skills, automatic clock management, these also made the list of things I missed having.
It was a different experience than Fumbbl, in someways harder, but certainly fun. The result was justice though, the other guy had more paint on his guys than I did.