Posted by Garion on 2012-08-28 20:19:10
how are you killing all mens now jimmy? You need your fix! I wouldn't like to see the damage you would cause in society without bloodbowl. Are you Piling On old Ladies at bus stops and Tackling midgets that walk past :D
Or has your attention turned to the brilliant new 40k rules (and this isn't a joke I actually think they are really good. GW done good for once)
Posted by JimmyFantastic on 2012-08-28 20:47:15
Haha yeah I am quite a fan of the new 40K rules!
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-08-28 20:50:25
Needs a new Eldar codex, then it'll be perfect :P
Posted by Garion on 2012-08-28 20:55:35
Needs a new nids codex more than anything. They got hurt so badly by the new rules its just insane. Eldar have been given a huge boost already, it made their crappy 5th ed codex good, though howling banshees (one of my favourite models) are truly pointless now. Orks are kick ass now too which is nice. looking forward to getting the new box set and starting up a chaos marines army as my nid one is unusable now.
Posted by spubbbba on 2012-08-28 21:18:52
No we need a new Squat Codex. 40K ain't the same without Dwarfs in spaaaaaaace!!
Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-08-28 21:34:54
Dwarfs on bikes, Chaos Squats, Eldar pirates (of old), harlequins and nurgle marines are the only things ever to interest me in 40k. Nids looked promising but could have been so much better.
Posted by harvestmouse on 2012-08-28 21:35:26
Oh Ork society is quite cool too, but is rather lost in space nowadays.
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-08-28 21:48:08
Eldar are the oldest codex now (4th Ed), and seriously overpriced/underpowered when put up against any recent army. Them and Tau deserve a boost far more than Nids, who were a mid-5th edition army.
Posted by Garion on 2012-08-28 22:28:42
yeah old 40k was very cool, but the new book has some nice nods to some interesting races like hrud (space skaven which almost went ahead in 2nd ed 40k but they pulled it back for fear of making it too similar to fantasy)) and some other stuff, and with the new allies rules (similar in some respects to dogs of war from warhammer 6th ed) I can see some of the old races re-appearing again in white dwarves in the future.
Posted by blader4411 on 2012-08-28 22:35:01
40k these days is brilliant, shame Fantasy is such a mess right now :P
Posted by Arktoris on 2012-08-29 03:21:20
i bet all these peoples will get banned by woodstock before "he's done"
Posted by Garion on 2012-08-29 09:01:06
Just reading through the fluff again harvestmouse and there are references to the squats again for the first edition since 3rd I think, maybe 2nd. They seem to be called demiurg, they are allied with tau and imperial guard. Maybe we will see a warhammer forge army like CDs for fantasy. No ref to chaos squats though.
Posted by xnoelx on 2012-08-29 09:22:51
Demiurg have been around for a little while; I think the first mention was in Battlefleet Gothic, including a couple of ship minis from FW, and there were snippets in last edition. I wouldn't hold your breath for any more though.
Posted by garyt1 on 2012-08-29 12:47:09
Squat bikers ruled for coolness, if maybe not effectiveness. They were a good allie for entertainment purposes.
I heard the Space Marine army lists are too powerful, unless that was before this new 40k version.
Posted by xnoelx on 2012-08-29 12:55:24
Also a big fan of the bikers. & the Squat Adeptus Mechanicus is one of the best minis GW ever made, for me.