Posted by Garion on 2011-04-30 17:52:33
just try and play faster for a game or two without thinking. If you are concerned about the time it takes for you to take a turn. Just play purely from instinct and fly through the turns and you might suprise your self ;)
Posted by The_Murker on 2011-04-30 19:20:51
More options equals more thought required. My advice would be don't be rushed. Mr. 1000 Games is going to be much faster than you, but not ALWAYS better. (usually though) He might be the type who always plays purely from instinct and flys through turns, which can make him very good, but also possibly a bit careless, or stuck at a skill level plateau he might not move past. I played someone with over 3000 games last week and wasn't blown away buy his positioning or choices. The game is complex enough that though and reflection is required to hit the elite levels of play, I'm sure. Reaching that elite level of play might only make a 5% difference in your win/loss ratio, but at 1000 games, that is quite significant.