The scene opens up in the offices of the Real Sociedead’s backroom staff. Coach SeraphimRed is sat smugly behind his desk following their second successive victory in the OBBA Premiership.
Real Sociedead 2 - 1 Mummywell FC
The door to the office opens and in walks his assistant accompanied by a chubby geekish looking guy, we’ll call him PainFace.
Sera: Huzzah! ...
Assis.: Great win boss!
Sera: Who the hell is this guy?
Assis.: This is PainState, I mean PainFace – from the FCC.
Sera: FCC?
Assis.: The FUMBBL Communications Commission.
Assis.: The Blood Bowl governing body...
Sera: O... K, and he’s here because...?
PainFace: I’m here because SeraphimRed...
Sera: Mr Red to you ****face.
PainFace: Mr Red, because it has come to our attention that you and the rest of the OBBA are releasing match reports that are contrary to FUMBBL’s legislation governing allowable topics of conversation.
Sera: Say what now?
PainFace: In the currently awesome and not at all declining climate of FUMBBL we only want to allow the discussion of:
Which is better, LRB5 or LRB4, the merits of merging Black Box and Ranked, the shortfalls of merging Black Box and Ranked, what the future of FUMBBL is and also we’ve just got the nod to add Flight of Fantasy Blood Bowl Card Game, non-collectable... I think we’re receiving backhanders.
Sera regards his assistant.
Sera: Is he serious?
PainFace: Look at my pained expression; I’m as serious as a heart attack.
Sera: That doesn’t leave us much to talk about.
PainFace: It’s fed the FUMBBL community very well for the past six months, I’m sure you’ll manage.
Sera: No Russo jokes?
PainFace: Is it LRB4 related?
Sera: No.
PainFace: Blackbox?
Sera: No.
PainFace: Living Card Game?
Sera: No! ... It’s largely Sheep jokes.
The FCC official consults his clip board.
PainFace: Hmm... are sheep a valid LRB5 roster?
Assis.: Rooster!
Sera: I don’t think so.
PainFace: Look... I’m trying to work with you on this. I’m not in the business of stifling people... honest~! Perhaps instead of calling them Sheep you could call them Snotlings?
Sera: I don’t think so.
PainFace: Think positive!
Sera: Seriously, it won’t work!
PainFace: Neither will LRB5 but we’re trying it anyway!
Sera: Sigh...
Assis.: I feel we’ve reached new heights of irrelevances today boss.
The report continues in any number of threads located in General Chat.