Posted by WhatBall on 2013-12-27 19:46:33
Rated a 6 in hopes it speeds up your recovery. Best wishes on being healthy and your feet again soon.
Someone in Norway lend that man a laptop!
Posted by Garion on 2013-12-27 19:47:51
best wishes, hope for a speedy recovery. Damn hospitals, they should have fumbbl at every bed side :P
Posted by Nightbird on 2013-12-27 19:50:50
Just went through a similar situation w/ my dad & his knee replacement last year. Due to a very serious infection in the area around his artificial knee he had to live w/out a knee for months until they could be sure the infection was completely gone & they could replace the artificial knee w/ a new one. Hope the new year brings you good health. Hang in there man.
Posted by Jeffro on 2013-12-27 20:00:34
Get healthy sir. As bored as you are, be glad they found the infection and we're able to do something about it. Doctors *are* only "practicing" medicine ;)
Posted by baelnic on 2013-12-27 22:16:53
Good luck. Subcutaneous infections are no joke I'm glad they found it relatively early.
Posted by Synn on 2013-12-28 02:02:33
-1 MA.
I wish I could share my healing potion. :(
Get better soon and glad to hear they caught it before it required Nobbla.
Posted by latulike on 2013-12-28 10:00:16
Apo fails, -MA or Niggling injury. Easy choice :)
Maybe you could grab a few paint brushes and minis so you keep converting? Would pass time a bit easier! Stay positive, hope you get well soon.
Posted by Sammler_der_Seelen on 2013-12-28 14:51:32
Best wishes for you ,and good they found it .Better loose now some Weeks than later your whole leg or maybe life.(i have found that using a tablet per remote to my home pc makes it possible to specc games ,you can play too but on a poor level)maybe that helps on the booring part:)And as always ,you can grab a good old paper based Book.
Posted by DrDeath on 2013-12-28 20:39:17
Get well soon Shraaaag. I've only just recovered from a torn calf muscle, not as serious as yours but I couldn't walk for nearly 2 months so know how tedious it can be. Hang in there ;) On a sidenote thanks very much for your FUMMBL scripts, have been using them a lot lately on team bios - they're great!
Posted by Badoek on 2013-12-29 08:55:41
Sounds terrible! Especially without a laptop :(