In honor of Pirate Awareness day, I've moved Blood Bowl to the high seas
DISCLAIMER: the idea came to me in a dream and written down half-asleep, so when I wake up and reread this, I will probably deny writing this blog.
I've replaced the normal units with ships, sidelines are jagged cliffs (instead of crowd-surf, you can cliff-surf), instead of blitzing and blocking, you can ram your ship into your opponent's ships and board them. Instead of prone and stunned, your sails are torn, and you're dead in the water. When your dead in the water, you're an easy target for a foul, which in this case is cannon-fire.
So what about the ball and ballhandling? You're goal of the game is to transport a saboteur (the ball) to your opponent's harbor (end-zone). The saboteur doesn't care which harbor he is in, as long as he can wreck ships. Getting more saboteurs to your opponent's harbor will be consider a win.
Hand-over means your saboteur is changing ships next to eachother, and a pass means you send the saboteur on a small speedboat (and hopefully it wont be intercepted).
Yarr! I'm starting to wake up, so I'll stop here before I regret anything.